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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. You wonder how long the Warriors can keep going. Over the past 5 years, they've played 20 playoff series; an extra season and a half in playoff games. That's gotta wear guys down, mentally and physically.
  2. Thank goodness I've heard the last of the phrase "fourpeat".
  3. But looks like they've run out of miracles! Hoo-ray. This championship moment officially ruined by Instant Replay!!!
  4. Another questionable timeout....Warriors must be exhausted, why give them a break and a chance to strategize on D?
  5. Hang on.....so it turns out being spoiled and coddled and told you are special and deserve a trophy for accomplishing nothing throughout childhood doesn't make one resilient and resourceful as a young adult? Huh....who'd ever have guessed that!
  6. Absolutely. If there is reason for optimism, I think it's largely in the improvement from young guys like Edmunds and Phillips, and Oliver having a faster learning curve than those guys.
  7. I dunno, but if we need to find out can it please be Edelman?
  8. Yes there is a book. Adults with a clue have read it. Hopefully someone will pass you a copy soon.
  9. What difference, that sportsmanship doesn't apply to adults? Or in the World Cup? Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.
  10. I care because they set a sh---y example for kids. I wouldn't let my 8 yo daughters' soccer team over celebrate a 13-0 win and would hope the other coaches would do the same if we were on the short end. And of course Thailand didn't complain. You could set them on fire and they wouldn't complain, that's their culture.
  11. We're still trying to offload all the antiquing crap her mother accumulated over her lifetime!
  12. Which is just common sense. Fans all too often fall into the trap of "Last Year's Performance - Guys who left + Guys who arrived = This Year's Performance", and fail to account for the randomness of events that have significant impact on individual plays and by extension games, and by extension seasons. Not every guy is going to play as well as he did last year. Injuries will happen, luck (good and bad) will happen, opponents will be better/worse than expected, crappy ref calls will happen, the ball will deflect in the other direction than it did last time, etc. Sure, if you are the '00 era Ravens you can be pretty sure the defense is going to be top notch again. But if you were in the middle of the pack last year in scoring defense, there's not much reason beyond blind optimism to think they will suddenly be a top defense, much less a historically great defense.
  13. And I bet you had your light blue shirt all ready to go too.
  14. The only one I've seen making it about gender is Abby Wambach, suggesting she doesn't really have any reasonable argument. A team that wins 13-0 is really worried about goal differential? Somehow I think the US team will manage to beat all the odds and squeak into the elimination round. Unlike the women's Olympic hockey team which always seems like a nice group of girls, the US soccer team always seems like mouthy, arrogant group. I know that's over generalizing, but it's the impression I always get.
  15. Oh man, so glad my wife seems to have moved past that stage.
  16. I heard he sang a good song, I heard he had a style And so I came to see him, to listen for a while And there he was, this young boy, a stranger to my eyes Strumming my pain with his fingers Singing my life with his words Killing me softly with his song Killing me softly with his song Telling my whole life with his words Killing me softly with his song I felt all flushed with fever, embarrassed by the crowd I felt he'd found my letters and read each one out loud I prayed that he would finish, but he just kept right on Strumming my pain with his fingers Singing my life with his words Killing me softly with his song Killing me softly with his song Telling my whole life with his words Killing me softly
  17. Much better than I expected based on the content of the story.
  18. I thought John Starks did that. Day after I got home from my first honeymoon!
  19. ‘Only’? 8 months is a long time. Also, a four year old has no concept what type of ‘friend’ he is; I wouldn’t create an issue over it.
  20. I’ll be surprised if they don’t make the Blues participate in a ceremonial puck drop in his hospital room.
  21. Uhh....doesn’t the law allow citizens the right to argue any point they want? Isn’t that the whole premise of holding the right to defend oneself in a court of law? Big surprise a simpleton like you would get sucked into such nonsense. +1,000,000
  22. Thanks for posting. Jerry Butler was one of my favorite players from that era.
  23. Yup, this is the big problem with most women’s sports. There are simply not enough competitive teams. College basketball, Olympic hockey, and apparently soccer. If they were really still doing the big soccer celebrations in a 12-0 game, they are classless twits.
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