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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. All true, but IMO banking on that would be foolish and not in the best interests of our young QB and unproven WR corps. It could just as easily go the other way with Gore breaking down and Singletary not turning out to be as good as we hope.
  2. What did the plaintiff's want? A judge to draw the district lines rather than the elected representatives? How would that fix to problem? Roberts is spot on: “Excessive partisanship in districting leads to results that reasonably seem unjust. But the fact that such gerrymandering is ‘incompatible with democratic principles,’ does not mean that the solution lies with the federal judiciary,” Chief Justice Roberts wrote. I don't even understand what Kagan means: “Of all times to abandon the Court’s duty to declare the law, this was not the one,” Justice Elena Kagan wrote for the dissenters. What does 'declare the law' mean? What law is currently being broken? Essentially this opinion is just saying the courts should usurp the legislature because.......they would (theoretically) be more fair?
  3. In fairness, the 'cut Shady' crusaders haven't had a fresh thread in at least a week. And really, why wouldn't you cut him and assume the best case scenario from a rookie, a journeyman and a 36 year old? That's some sound risk management right there!
  4. In fairness to ESPN, every other sports, cable news and most 'entertainment' channels are exactly the same thing -- a bunch of idiots screaming at each other or just completely inane blather. There is an entire network for women (Bravo) based on nothing but this format. The only shows I have ever enjoyed that featured 4 people sitting around talking are: -The Sports Reporters (before Dick Schaap died) -The McLaughlin Report (which also gave TBD one of its best recurring threads)
  5. I have to admit...she does have kind of a nice ass. How come your crowd hasn't broken out the "wise Latina" bit again? Too hard to keep a straight face, huh?
  6. Yeah, my kid shows up with broken ribs from the nanny all the time and I don't even notice.
  7. Big difference between making a play that lead to a Super Bowl win against an undefeated team and chasing a guy down to keep the margin of loss at 35.
  8. Sounds like they failed to control/detect the spread before they operated on the main spot. Just what happened with my Dad.
  9. Fillmore West closing didn't suck either: CCR Grateful Dead Santana Hot Tuna
  10. Yes, Free Solo was unbelievable. Truly unbelievable.
  11. We were up in ‘red state’ California over the weekend. Ain’t nobody got nuthin on some of the redneck fireworks action up in Plumas County.
  12. This news registers zero on the surprise meter. Mets gaining ground on the Knicks for title of worst run franchise in sports.
  13. The education "they desire"?? WTF should we offer anyone a free education they desire when the education they require can be had for a fraction that amount? This kind of idiotic ***** nonsense is why the country is going down the shitter.
  14. ....and now that they've wasted God knows how much time on replays catering to the 'get it right' crowd who'd rather obsess over someone's toe being 1/8" over the line (or not) vs watching the game, the 'extra time' could be anywhere from 4 to 37 minutes! presumably they are screwing up at least half the calls anyway.
  15. Of course, approximately 98.4% of those lighting off fireworks are complete and total ######.
  16. It's become the ruination of all four major sports in the US, but considering they don't even use an exact clock, replay seems especially absurd in soccer.
  17. What’s this you say?? Replay is a disaster?? Who could have foreseen such a thing given how it made all the officiating problems go away in football!
  18. The one that is still astounding is Philippe Petit in the ‘70s between the twin towers. 110 stories up, no safety, and in a windy spot.
  19. Huh? Of course your contract is binding. All terms and conditions apply.
  20. Oh my, those Alabama fans get awfully sensitive!
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