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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Wow....I just can't enough of all this 'get it right' officiating!
  2. Maybe someday they can review every player on every play and then just tell us on Monday who won the game.
  3. Can we just turn this into the "2019 Cam Newton Excuse Thread"?
  4. I had forgotten how that ended, but it's true about Miami always playing them hard down there. Doesn't Brady have a losing record in Miami?
  5. I bet a decent % of people that vanish without a trace end up like this. Lots of bad drivers and lots of bodies of water out there.
  6. Yup...even without the air brushing. They are if you have a good surgeon. Boobs are now the last thing to go!
  7. That's hilarious. What a whiny douchebag. ***** him, scumbag thief. I wish he got a longer sentence.
  8. Ugh. There's a NY Post sports columnist who rants against B.S. everywhere in sports and sports media and he constantly rips MF for staying stupid, incorrect things. It was one of my favorite things in the paper on the train home!
  9. I thought he retired? Francesa is terrible, but the old days when it was Fatso and Fruitloops was pretty good radio.
  10. They covered it up so they could claim a TC winner from their circuit? That seems like it's going to be kind of a big deal in that sport.
  11. Much like the real thing in 2016, 'Election' was an unexpected gem. Gotta rewatch that one.
  12. While that's true, I don't think it translates down to BB sharing game strategy with anyone.....much less a guy who beat him twice in Super Bowls.
  13. Yup. I’m willing to put up with some black market baby parts trading to keep things on the current track.
  14. But they weren’t ‘dudes in caves’. They were intelligent, educated, well-funded dudes who planned and trained for years while living in the US and Europe.
  15. Unbelievable. Guy is a total sideshow joke.
  16. His mother spoke at my HS alma mater yesterday....bet that was pretty powerful.
  17. I'm not sure I'd go so far as to call the Polish border guards heroes, but looks like they did a nice job with these criminals.
  18. Yes.....but apparently only after first having the big rock's temperature fluctuate for 4.5 billion years .
  19. Yes, very well. They all came to visit me after I won the lottery.
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