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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. They got spooked by the fumble and went super conservative. I think the dump off to Yeldon was the wrong play....took too much time and didn't get long enough. Should have just had Josh go deep 3 times.
  2. Gotta learn to carry the ball on your outside arm Josh.
  3. That was terrible...you can't let a guy with no leverage strip you while running past him.
  4. Hope he's ok, but what's 'hampering' Williams is getting trucked by Knox.
  5. Love young Josh lobbying the officials for a correct interpretation of the rules.
  6. Why is anyone giving this ***** any more attention? Not clicking that link.
  7. People "can't understand" the appeal of a team from one of the oldest Catholic Universities in the country that specifically identifies with the Irish heritage? Some people should read more history about the country they live in. I think the more difficult thing to understand is the bizarre vitriol normally reserved for politicians and serial killers that certain people apparently have for a college football team. Strange. Thanks for providing this standard, lazy take. In the last five years, ND has been ranked higher at the end of the season than pre-season 3 times, lower once, and exactly the same once. 2 out of 25 = 2%? ? Your take on football is about as good as your ability to do fourth grade math. You sound like a guy who had his girlfriend stolen by a Notre Dame fan. It's pretty laughable at this point.
  8. I thought they wouldn’t show it if there were other games going on? That was the case the one time I tried it. Watching games on Tuesday night got old pretty fast.
  9. Heck, if he played in 80s/90s he’d have finished long before 20 years. Bruce, Jason Taylor, Sack Exchange, etc. would have crushed him.
  10. Can’t believe I’m rooting for Kraft to have more money.
  11. I think California has banned the 48 oz version offered by the OP.
  12. This was a more complete version of those days:
  13. Not me....I'm shocked. I had much more faith in the Evil Empire to withstand and ignore any criticism.
  14. Well....I'm saying the thousands of people who marched past my window today are morons. Apparently so are you since you can't answer my straight forward question after initiate the conversation. Yup. Of course the climate is changing....that's one of the features of this planet. Humans can't 'stop' or 'reverse' the changing climate -- to believe so shows the ultimate combination of hurbris and stupidity. That doesn't mean we shouldn't take better care of the planet. Getting a single use plastic bag every time I bought a tube of toothpaste at CVS pissed me off long before CA started banning them, so I don't have a problem with reasonable restrictions like that. We should also have also mandated solar in new construction, outlawed Styrofoam, and done a hundred other things decades ago to protect the planet. But since all the left has to offer are morons blathering about 'climate justice' and banning capitalism, I will be forced to conclude there is no serious attempt to improve the environment from any politicians and so that will no longer be one of the things I consider when voting for a candidate.
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