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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Already lining up a Downton Abbey date night with the wife.
  2. Basically, yes. They still lack overall team speed and size/power on offense, and consequently struggle against defenses with size and speed. Once UGA took away the one thing that was working in the first half, they couldn’t sustain flow on offense. But ND has had a tougher defense the past few years compared to earlier in Kelly’s run, and that can keep them in games against top teams, as happened yesterday.
  3. How dare he mix some two yard runs in with all those nine yard rushes!!!! Guy averaged 5.4 ypc and scored the winning TD, but clearly he’s not good enough. ?
  4. Seriously? How disorganized can you get? They spiked the ball to set up the final kick, no?
  5. Gee, sure glad I didn't get impatient with his slow start and bench Mike Evans this week!
  6. You mean that guy the Giants were insane to take at #6 because he might have been there at #15? I wonder what game next year the Giants will retire Eli's jersey.
  7. This. Those low grades would have been right if they had lost 17-14. But they didn't. He drove them down the field for the winning TD when he was down to the last possession. Despite having pressure all day he threw a bunch of good balls and had one egregious mistake.
  8. Best part of this story is that for all the ticket technology and modern security, the situation was resolved with good-old fashion sneaking in.
  9. Yup. If he can make his mistakes and learn while pulling out wins, we can't ask for much more than that.
  10. Bengals DBs won't forgot Fort Knox anytime soon. Been a long time since I saw a TE dish out that much punishment to a defense.
  11. Gore and Allen are the only players who should touch the ball in the backfield.
  12. Can't believe people here thought this was a team that could afford to overlook any opponent.
  13. They've made second half adjustments the last two weeks?
  14. Yup. Only seen this about 16,000 times before. Team dominates early but doesn't put opponent away early, then can't stop them once they get rolling.
  15. Dalton may not be Brady, but if he's allow to sit in the pocket all day he will pick any team apart.
  16. Allen has been terrible this half, but I have to say the pass protection has been poor and that's not helping him.
  17. Come on guy.....need a score now to turn out their lights.
  18. I don't understand that at all, especially with Gore.
  19. While the 'dominated the half but aren't blowing them out on the scoreboard' thing is a little frustrating, if they are able to maintain offensive momentum, that Bengal defense is going to get very tired in the fourth quarter.
  20. Good news is Bills are dominating the game. Mistakes can get cleaned up.
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