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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Absolutely on the first one Absolutely No flippin' way on the second one* I'm still at work when the games start as it is!!! * edited since I moved from east to west coast
  2. Oh, I'm still plenty bitter! And don't even get me started on Jeurys Familia and his mother ***** "slide step"
  3. I'd be pretty surprised if Warren agreed to that and risked being upstaged by her VP. Also, will the London bookies be taking six figure bets on Warren not surviving her term?
  4. Booker or Harris in the VP slot is going to have to be the key for them to get black turnout. I can't see how Warren gets viewed much differently than Hillary otherwise. I could see Warren/Booker winning.
  5. Except they never got close enough to try another FG. They had their backup QB and couldn't stop the Pats pass rush and turned the ball over on their last possession. How would that have been different? Not to mention, SH had already missed from 49. And you're assuming NE couldn't respond. And you're assuming they'd win in OT without Allen. All that instead of simply getting one yard to actually take the lead in the Q4?? Sorry....they made the right call and couldn't execute. Sometimes that happens.
  6. Can you imagine how badly he would look in a real debate?? I can't see how he'd begin to hold up against Warren once the Dems finish clearing out the noise, much less Trump. The Dems can't be that dumb, they know they've got to get rid of him.
  7. Nope, sorry. I wanted the A's and Brewers to win too, but that doesn't change the fact that out of all the bad things baseball has done in recent years, the one GOOD thing is the Wild Card game. If you can't win your five team division, you do not deserve any better than a 50/50 shot to continue on in the playoffs. If you don't like that, get rid of the second wildcard. Or go back to having two divisions and no wild cards. Slowly turning baseball playoffs into hockey or basketball is not the answer.
  8. Or I was trying to give you some credit since your point appears to be that giving up a blocked punt for a TD was no big deal in a game where each defense only gave up one TD and one FG. And that somehow kicking another FG would have made up for it.
  9. We didn't do any of that nonsense. Most priests will readily acknowledge that's all bullsh-- if you really know them and/or are a real adult and not some 23 year old idiot getting married years before they should.
  10. Does she still have the golf balls in her cheeks?
  11. Reminds me of the time a cop bought a pair of boots for the barefoot "homeless" guy in NYC in the middle of winter several years ago (someone took a picture and the media went nuts). Turns out the guy had an apartment --- and several pairs of shoes. He was hanging out on the street corner with no shoes to increase his take from pan-handling.
  12. And everyone would feel so much better that they lost 16-13?
  13. I read an article about it that theorized it got its reputation because in the old days, the cats only ate the ripe ones off the bush, vs the lazy guy who didn't care what he was picking and therefore the cat-poo coffee was of higher quality. Now-a-days they do a much better job growing coffee, so my usual Peets is a lot better than cat-poo-in-a-cup.
  14. And there's a growing % of the population who aren't religious so they don't need or necessarily want an ordained minister. My wife and I aren't very religious, but we were raised Catholic so like many in our situation we had a priest do the honors. He taught my wife in HS and was still close to her circle of friends so it was nice to have someone with a personal connection and be able to make our mothers happy.
  15. A guy who works for me just got back from Bali and brought some of this; had it today for the first (and very likely last) time. Despite the hype, it wasn't anything special.
  16. I'm sure many here would love to hear more details of your experiences, if you were inclined to share them. Fully understand if you're not.
  17. I doubt it. Aside from the physical conditioning, there's a mental aspect I would think is pretty hard to jack back up after spending almost a year learning to live life post-football.
  18. Quick! Have our media people create a 'Hillary is fun too!' campaign!! That'll totally work!!
  19. Can you begin to imagine how great it would be for Trump to beat Hillary again? I seriously think I'd enjoy that more than a Bills Super Bowl.
  20. No thanks....that's not the good kind of white trash.
  21. Looking forward to the milestone for Gore, but wanted to take a second to reflect on how unbelievable Barry Sanders was as a runner. He played 10 season. >15,000 yards in 10 season. Incredible.
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