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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Lots of people never get past the college highlight film. And they were aghast when Beane "got rid of all the talent on the team" by shedding Watkins and fellow losers like Tyrod and Dareus.
  2. And he did his usual Sammy thing and had one monstrous game so far this year before disappearing again. He'll be due for another around week 11.
  3. King of kings, and Lord of lords, |: King of kings, and Lord of lords, And Lord of lords, And He shall reign, And He shall reign forever and ever, King of kings, forever and ever, And Lord of lords, Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
  4. Beltran Harmon Timo Perez -- game 1 goat in 2000 Familia -- game 1 goat in 2015 with this stupid ***** quick pitch that Alex Gordon was just sitting on. ......there's a #5 and for some reason I'm blanking on it right now. (no, not Norwood).
  5. And Dodgers! Dave Roberts with the worst post season managing job since Grady Little.
  6. They do when they’re scared of ending up in a Chinese prison.
  7. I'll be pretty disappointed if we don't get an 'R Rich home opener' style countdown from you.
  8. In other lingering Mets related bitterness.... Ha! Suck it Braves!
  9. I want to it it 'til the sun comes up Uh huh, and I want to do it 'til I can't get enough, yeah, yeah I want to put on my my my my my Boogie shoes Just to boogie with you, I want to put on my my my my my Boogie shoes just to boogie with you
  10. Do we really need this ignorant nonsense every friggin year? Yes, I guess we do.
  11. Yep. And laid off a few times. I have the type of career where that tends to happen. It’s made for a couple nice sabbaticals, other times has been a drag.
  12. Does 'in a dorm hallway while drunk in college' count?
  13. Also because Wainwright was a rookie nobody IIRC. Beltran might have gotten more slack if everyone understand how good Wainwright was going to be. But yeah, that certainly put a damper on his Mets career. And turned Endy's all-time catch and Ollie's wonderful (and shocking) start into mostly forgotten footnotes.
  14. Hahaha....the Marin soccer moms are definitely on edge.... Kids were hoping for a day off from school but no luck in our 'hood. And I just heard one of my team members explain to another why it was fairly unlikely we'd have a red-flag power shut off here on Market Street.
  15. And obviously, don’t sign any kind of waiver at any point, even if you reach an accommodation.
  16. He’s trying to intimidate you, don’t fall for it. Tell him to ***** off and that you’re hiring another contractor to clean up his mess and you’ll be suing him for that cost.
  17. 1st round got interesting the past few days.
  18. It’s amazing to hear otherwise intelligent people ask why PG&E can’t simply prune the trees......on 100 million acres.
  19. Predictit market for Hillary as nominee has jumped to 20% in recent days.
  20. Newsflash: housing could be free and most of the bums on Market Street would stay right where they are now.
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