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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. I'd give this post a if I didn't know people who actually believe that.
  2. Hell no. Why not just go all the way and replace football with a pass, punt and kick competition. No one will ever get hurt, every single thing is reviewable.....should make the lame people very happy.
  3. Nope. Pre-game shows are all horrible. Absolutely zero value. Post-game highlight shows are terrible. It's 70% yammering idiots, 30% highlights where they just cycle the same four games for hours on end.
  4. I can't wait till someone posts the link showing the same dozen plants in the crowed cheering wildly at every Chelsea event.
  5. Clearly Beane has failed to address depth.
  6. What records has he broken? Sounds like Manute Bol.
  7. 37,000 employees?!?!!!? Hey UN, I can fix your budget problem in a week. Call me.
  8. I finally watched Sticks and Stones last night....pretty good, not quite as earth shaking as some made it out to be. Nothing more risque than what Chris Rock and everyone else was doing 15 years ago. The world just has infinitely more pussies now. I did really like the epilogue, especially his story about The Punchline in SF as his favorite club. A guy who works for me moonlights as a comedian and I've seen him at that club.
  9. Chef Jim is right....some amazing cheese from up Inverness way. Cheddar is for the deplorables.
  10. The only time I feel bad about Patrick Mahomes is when someone here feels the need to start a new Patrick Mahomes thread.....
  11. Yes the Bills have made some offensive points, but nothing compared to that guy from the Houston Rockets.
  12. Ratings. The story. Continuing to market their biggest star. The last PI penalty was just ludicrous. Blatant def holding as the WR made his cut and then blatant PI before the ball arrived. No other player anywhere near the play - every official had a crystal clear view. But it’s NE, so of course, no flag, on either foul, even after review*. * just more evidence that replay has nothing to do with ‘getting it right’ like proponents claim.
  13. NFL is essentially the WWE at this point. The teams they want to win are going to win.
  14. Oh well, at least Edelman broke 100 yards for me.
  15. You beat NE the same way teams have always done it — by stopping Brady. If Josh finds the open receivers instead of chucking it into a crowd deep multiple times, the Bills probably win two weeks ago
  16. No way, we’re in paradise. You won’t find a higher concentration of lefty hypocrites than in Marin. Even Gavin lives here in the off-season!
  17. Dixi Darling didn't seem very happy with the news.
  18. Not sure I understand the problem with cops correctly spotting, investigating and arresting to two scumbag criminals. The only better outcome would have been if the cops shot them dead.
  19. Cousins. Everyone's favorite whipping boy has been decent this year when they've let him throw, which he's done more of the past two weeks and will need to do against Philly. Also, they've lost both starting tackles.
  20. Mayfield isn't worth a roster spot right now. He'll get crushed by Seattle. Jimmy G might have a rough game vs Rams given the OL injuries, but he'll have to keep throwing.
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