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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Well if we signed Gordon AND Kaepernick, we might have a shot at Super Bowl 48. What about Aldon Smith to beef up the LBs?
  2. This feels one step away from the Jets apologizing for a “misunderstanding”.
  3. This....actually would be great if someone could briefly summarize the last two movies. I think I saw one of them but don’t recall any of it.
  4. I like how the dogs were paying close attention and were either smart or lucky enough to be out of the blast radius.
  5. I recall a lively debate here several years ago about some redneck road rager who cut off another driver before wrecking himself. Good stuff.
  6. Cool. I got to do an F-15E sim one time, that was fun. Don't think I exactly brought it in unscathed!
  7. Does six years ago qualify? I find it hard to believe that a guy NE dealt a #2 pick to replace is going to be the answer for Buffalo.
  8. True, but kudos to people who have explained it over the past 48 hours and mostly rendered it a non-story.
  9. Lame. All one color just plain sucks a—.
  10. I see we're all still clinging to the 2013 season....
  11. My kids wonder why they still have to go to Religious Ed on Sunday morning when we don’t attend mass. ?
  12. Did they tack that onto the west coast road trip to cut down on travel?
  13. And they’ll need things to do on the weekends. You just know Goodell will be itching to play a game there.
  14. I'd be happy to PPV Bills games, but until such time as they allow that to happen, I too will pirate the game on reddit.
  15. Obviously way too early to anoint them anything. That said, they've been very impressive and if they play at this level all year (and against better opponents) they will be in the conversation.
  16. Exactly. I wouldn't trade Allen for Jackson and I bet the Jets and Browns feel the same about their guy.
  17. Good move for SF. They needed a WR but presumably didn't want to give up a top pick for Green. We'll learn a lot about them as their schedule gets tougher over the next month or so, but right now they look not only like a legit SB contender, but also the type of team that can shut down NE.
  18. Forgive me if I missed the point, but how is farming on the moon promising?
  19. Great graphic....he's passed for more yards against the Jest than us!
  20. Photo of Darnold with Belichick has been released....
  21. I used to live within the NE (and NY) TV zones so forget that not everyone has seen NE play as often as I have. They almost never take out the starters. They absolutely never call off the dogs. Belichick always wants his team working, no matter what the score or situation.
  22. And just a few doors down to the Chi-Cha Lounge! Good block.
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