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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. The only thing that's missing is the artist's signature. "Ryan Age 5"
  2. Her right as a woman to not get punched in the face was predicated on her standing to the side while the fight happens. Once she decides to jump into the fray, all bets are off.
  3. CA is not a right to eat state. But I’m sure they can find something for the goats more intellectually stimulating than gatortard’s job.
  4. As I understand it, they didn't pay the college, they paid individuals to con the admissions process. That's outright fraud. So I say ***** 'em, both the parents and the college employees who took the bribes. Hope they all end up in prison. And I especially have no sympathy for the arrogant jerks could have taken a plea deal.
  5. "Anywhere from 4 to 7 inches of snowfall had buried parts of Iowa by Thursday afternoon" So now Iowa can be "buried" in 4 inches of snow? "A record snowfall of 1.2 inches was recorded at Chicago O'Hare International Airport on Wednesday, smashing the old record..." Wow...a whole inch of snow in Chicago certain is SMASHING! How are they surviving??
  6. None. We went to friends house in one of the ‘hoods with lots of houses and no hills.
  7. Sounds like you need to light a candle at the grotto and reflect.
  8. No actually, not even close. Between Seinfeld's girlfriend and Kramer's ranting thing many years ago, I'm surprised the SJWs haven't demanded the cancellation of all Seinfeld re-runs.
  9. Video of that part of his physical has emerged on social media:
  10. Houston's supposed great offense and bullpen were complete zeros in this series. The manager wasn't much better.
  11. Exactly why these ‘apologies’ (and subsequent bullish— retraction) should not be tolerated.
  12. Yep. Adams is a passionate guy who appeared to be fully bought into the Jets. So much for that!
  13. All I know is, I desperately want Adam Gase to take over in NE when Belichick retires and go for the franchise destroying trifecta!
  14. That'd be a nice pick up for Dallas. I don't really understand what the Jets are trying to do right now.
  15. Similar to TO and Kaepernick....and similar to those guys, they will find that time will march on without them and they won't really be missed in the end.
  16. I was going to post something about despising 'twitter wars' and those who engage in them, but this is a clear exception to the rule. Bravo XFL!
  17. Uh...yeah....look how he transformed the Jets! No thanks to the $14m running backs. This is hilarious.
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