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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Some good graphics on Dem fundraising here: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/10/16/us/elections/democratic-q3-fundraising.html?action=click&module=RelatedLinks&pgtype=Article The Burn Rate chart could also be titled "Candidates who will be shutting it down in the next 3 months" Burn Rate 1 Amy Klobuchar Senator from Minnesota 162.1% 2 Tim Ryan Congressman from Ohio 150.8% 3 Beto O’Rourke Former congressman from Texas 141.8% 4 Kamala Harris Senator from California 123.5% 5 Cory Booker Senator from New Jersey 118.1% Note: The burn rate shown is a candidate’s spending in the third quarter relative to individual contributions he or she received. Contribution refunds are excluded from the spending figures. The burn rate is greater than 100 percent if a candidate spent more than he or she raised. Candidates who are largely self-funding their campaigns are excluded.
  2. Gee, maybe the campaign thing is a little harder when you aren't the hand-chosen candidate for a party with a guaranteed 70% of the vote. I'm sure her sister has all the qualifications and experience required to be an effective campaign chair. And I bet there isn't a shred of arrogance coming out of either of them.
  3. That was even worse...they knew they had a losing candidate so they just swapped out for someone else who could win. Do the Dems have the Arkansas state SC in their back pocket like they do in NJ? Sanders is the only candidate not falling apart on his own. I wonder how much Hillary is paying Obama.
  4. Really? Best win in years and we need a thread to regurgitate Antonio Brown nonsense? Who cares? I'd rather have Zay Jones back than that POS.
  5. Ah yes....the young man who was a 'good kid' and just 'made a mistake'.
  6. Yup. The game changed when the D locked down Prescott for the rest of the first half while Josh & Co dealt with bad field position early on. The strip sack was the defining play as it lead to the go ahead for good TD.
  7. The sneak play was great, but I was most excited to see his accuracy, most specifically on the two big throws to Cole, but on several others as well. Where's the poster with the completion % thread?
  8. Presumably that's not Nantz/Romo's decision. Smith was embarrassing, they were trying to get him out of there as quickly as possible.
  9. I had Dak in my fantasy lineup. 300+ yards and a loss works for me!
  10. Because we have the worst kicker in the league.
  11. He's 34 and hit the wall. It happens to kickers too. The Bills need to "GM aggressive" too and sign someone during this ten day break.
  12. Once the season is over?? You really want to see this guy attempting a FG in the playoffs for Buffalo???
  13. ..........aaaaaaaaaand of course.........need to keep Dallas in the game!
  14. Honestly, this guy needs to be cut tomorrow. Doesn't matter what the cap hit is. That's not an overreaction, he just can't kick anymore.
  15. That's two just perfect throws to Cole today. Great drive by Josh.
  16. That's frustrating they couldn't get him down sooner. It's possible that's a first when they pull out the chains. Also wonder if Dallas will go for it if it's 4th and an inch.
  17. Come on....this situation is tailor made for play action on 2d down.
  18. I guess the flag got stuck in the refs pocket on that one.
  19. On the bright side, the refs are going to ensure this game is over at halftime, so I'll be able to pay attention to my guests when they arrive for Thanksgiving dinner.
  20. There's your bullsh-- non-call. That gets called 98 out of a 100 times for Prescott. 137 out of 100 for Brady.
  21. They have a terrific offense, a couple really nicely designed plays there (esp the screen to Zeke). Josh & Co are gonna have to put up some points today.
  22. After Pittsburgh, they still have 2 against Cincy and 1 each against AZ and Baltimore, so 9 wins looks pretty solid if they win tomorrow. Might be better to put a nail in their coffin this weekend.
  23. The level of sheer ignorance required to be a liberal is unimaginable.
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