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Everything posted by billrooter

  1. Actually Adam he's exactly right, Marv joined the bills at the perfect time he was a sub 50 coach in the league before that, as much as i like him he was a solid coach who inherited a great team. Unfortunately for bills fans he was outoached big time in every super bowl otherwise we would definitely have one title and maybe two!
  2. You may be right to a point delma i will give you that, but schobel is so far down the line for blame. The guy is frustrated and still one of the top players on this team and even as unproductive as he's been we'd be in a worse place without him and his fat contract. The thing is players aren't awarded contracts year to year based on performance, it's based on what they had done before the contract.
  3. So you would get rid of are 11th pick after his rookie year and no offseason, glad your not the gm!
  4. Actually when people start getting remedial about a guy like Aaron Schobels' paycheck you gotta ask yourself (or atleast i do) are you serious. the guy is still one of our best players and leaves it all on the field. The next time you half ass at work if you ever have, why don't you hand half your check over to your boss at the end of the week, would you do that?
  5. Man your smoking crack, there are two big time threats on this offense one is on the bench in favor of a thug, and the other they hardly ever throw to and caught two touchdowns today. This team has talent hence a quaterback but the coaching is downright awful.
  6. Your actually sticking up for this guy, he has half assed it all year and acted as stated like a 4 year old girl throwing a silent temper tantrum with his reactions. I didn't like it when they got him and hate it even more now all he's doing is taking playing time away from guys like steve johnsopn and very, very shortly hardy.
  7. Mcgee has been out one week and byrd was seeing alot of time when scott and shitner were back there, i am confused?
  8. I bet he's on someones roster next year, as a backup of course but it surprised me nobody atleast brought him to camp this year. I believe with decent coaching he could be a very good backup and maybe even a solid starter one day.
  9. That is very true, but the guy hasn't played in what 3-4 weeks? By the way the two guys playing safety now are not getting paid nearly as much as he, playing better than he has in the past, and have played in the last month!
  10. Wow i hope tblow is out, it will give the young guys a chance to play (Johnson and Hardy() and give Josh Reed a larger inviolvement in the offense. Truely a win win for the bills and next years new coaching staff, i myself wish they would axe him and let the young guys get reps.
  11. Actually Byrd was getting alot of time if i'm not mistaken when there were no injuries, and he looked horrendous and i questioned it. The first 2-3 games byrd looked downright bad in my opinion and i didn't want him on the field, my opinion has since changed and i for one want him and wilson to remain back there.
  12. Oops forgot to add he doesn't quit on pass plays, tries to tackle the defender if an intereception is thrown and tries to downfiled block!
  13. I share your frustration, and hearing the announcers say they need to go to tblow more, the hell with him our best receiver wears #83. Lee Evans very rarely drops passes and is a better down the field guy the owens and i believe would also run a reverse better, but what do i know i'm not paid to call plays.
  14. When has whitner ever even slightly resembled sanders, he has been a good leader (he's very vocal) but very little else since he was drafted.
  15. I don't think wilson sucks and i'm curious why do you? the guy is a good tackler and has great hands, he was a solid receiver and that translates well in the defensive backfield in my opinion and he can tackle. I am not sure how many picks he has in his career (in very limited time) but i am thinking more than whitner.
  16. Here here i'm a bills fan and i disagree also.
  17. Jackson had his first what i guess you would call bad game last week, he should be the starter, but with little chance of making the playoffs, idiots in charge of the team and him being locked up he will start once again when mashawn either gets in trouble,is traded, or contract runs out. I guess for now we have to watch him split time with a far inferior back, lynch had one good game last week, received well the week before but had 8 carries for 4 yds. the week before, don't kid yourself he didn't tear it up either. The first three games all purpose wise fred jackson was the third most productive back in a three game span, barring two hall of famers, mashawn hasn't had a stretch like that yet, in how many starts?
  18. How about a veteran quaterback, and a qb 4th round or later i am getting sick of wasting high picks on the position. If they have to if they're not quality vets left try an trade for a proven qb i have no faith in the current staff drafting one, and yeah i hope and think jauron is gone after this year but have felt that the last two years.
  19. Nobody is saying he's the answer to the run d, but he will play better there than buggs and palmer has more speed on the outside. Whats to not like, atleast fewell is showing some nuts to save his job i can't say the same at this point for dick.
  20. I actually think mitchell is better suite for inside, has to be the biggest bills lb on the roster right? Doesn't quite have great sideline to sideline speed but is big enough to get the ol guys off of him and think he will do good there!
  21. I am thinking both also but wouldn't it be shameful if Edwards and Losman were wasted through pathetic coaching? Losman had good legs and a good deep ball but lacked reading defenses and with touch, but who knows!
  22. To me Byrd has looked alot worse than simpson, he seems afraid to tackle people, doesn't look like that agressive tackling cb i read from draft reports. Is Wendling the next ss in line?
  23. I say screw to, how about throw it to the receivers that hang onto the damn ball, Evans,reed,and Jackson (rb). It would be nice to see Steve Johnson active and on the field for once also.
  24. Totally agree, the better question is why is he active, he has been horrendous on defense in my opinion.
  25. Even though would it something to ask for a little procduction out of the 11th pick in the draft, a guy making 5 million a year for what a tackle or so a game?
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