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Everything posted by IBTG81

  1. You know, you're actually thinking BF has some reasoning skills?
  2. When we talk politics, it gets brutal. She's convinced "my change" in views is something to spite her! When I say she's liberal, here's a better understanding. She hated John Kerry. She thought he was much too CONSERVATIVE. Other than that though, we get along just fine!
  3. Yeah right. Dealing with ONE woman is hard enough. I couldn't imagine putting up with 72.
  4. It will probably be Armitage.
  5. Ugh...PETA...Rachel is a card carrying member of PETA. Doesn't mind if I eat meat though. However, if I did something like that at a rally or whatnot, I would not be getting any for quite awhile.
  6. Oh yeah, like me bringing it here is going to cause nationwide excitement for it...
  7. Thank-you all!!!!!
  8. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor..._for_more_moore Michael Moore... :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  9. How the hell do you know all of this stevestojan?!?!
  10. I agree with Pete. Good call.
  11. Nope, Weezer is OK. I'll check Ozma out though.
  12. Allright!! ted leo and the pharmacists rock. Regarding the PS, I dig The District Sleeps Alone Tonight.
  13. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: And it's Barenaked!
  14. Being gay cannot be entirely genetic. What about identical twins, who have the same genetic map? How about bisexual people?
  15. http://www.niallkennedy.com/blog/archives/...d_dean_yah.html
  16. I asked that in a previous thread. It's Yahoo.
  17. No, I DO NOT look like those two sloths. I'd say a mix of Steve Page from BNL, or a skinnier Jerry from ER.
  18. Only of me in a leopard thong...
  19. Congrats VA!! That's two lists you're on now! BLZ, and T-boner.
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