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Everything posted by IBTG81

  1. I do yoga. It's really cool. And yes, there are. I once popped a you know what right in class, because the babe in front of me was bending in some hot positions. She saw it, and said "awww, how cute." I was mortified.
  2. Just got home from work...
  3. Why, is Shaud Williams available?
  4. Actually, Santa missed two apostrophe's.
  5. Guys, the is Rudy's schtick. He does it to get a rise out of people. It's about, oh, a year old.
  6. Inflatuable? Does that mean she can't fart?!
  7. Like YOU would know what to do with a kitty!
  8. Played against Darrien barnes (FB on Dallas) in high school. The kid was a rb, and a monster. One of the fastest dudes I've ever seen. He's also good friends with my roommate, which is cool. He is def. a good guy.
  9. and a sense of humor, and a personality, and a clue, and a... Just kidding Scott. Merry Christmas.
  10. Watch the Bills lose by 20 in SF. dev, you will get hunted down by a few.
  11. Haha, I know, right?
  12. Sapp, Ray Lewis, Deion, Brady. I love TO though. I think he's funny.
  13. What a schmuck he is.
  14. Actually, she said "pansy-assed B word!!"
  15. 250 out the window.
  16. Me. If the Pats win, I win 250 in my football pool.
  17. I hated him. Obnoxious hick he was.
  18. She just saw Brady throw a football and commented he throws like a girl, and asked why he is limp-wristed. Mind you, she knows nothing about football.
  19. I agree. Johnny Greer comes in second.
  20. If we get two separate Live accounts, but the same X-box, can we play on the same screen?
  21. We are both able to sign in. We are the only two in our party. Damn
  22. Are you F'ing kidding me??????
  23. My roommate and I just purchased X-Box live and are trying to play Halo 2 on it. How do you play with other people? We are having trouble figuring it out, and it just always seems to be the two of us. HELP!!!
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