Nah. I actually think the kid is gonna do good. Who am i to trust? Crackur, and NJSue, or people who actually play/evaluate talent for a living...Hmmmmm.
Sue, in case you don't know, try Google.
My roommate and I have about had it with our cable modem. We have Patriot Media (small POS cable company) and this has been the first time we could connect to the internet in about 24 hours. I called them and got the run around.
We were thinking of switching to Earthlink DSL. Anyone have any experiences? Is DSL much slower than Cable?
Also, can you get DSL if you subscribe to DirecTV? If so, what are the costs? Thanks!
Grrrrr, the Bills/Steeler game isn't on in my area on Sun!! The reason I don't have DTV is because I normally work on Sundays, but I have this Sunday off.
is there anyone in the Somerset NJ area (I'll travel, i don't care) that I could come over and mooch off of?