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Everything posted by IBTG81

  1. HD, you're being a total homer here. Brady is NOT the best QB. I'd take P. Manning over him in a heartbeat. And we all know Fezmid would take DB.
  2. My dad's a huge Giants fan, and heard me B word about Killdrive on numerous occasions. When he found out he was hired last year, he almost had a coronary.
  3. QB coach for the Giants.
  4. Only in your fantasies Scotty baby!
  5. I really miss that f-you smiley!
  6. Hahahaha... It's a good form of birth control. J/K!! Seriously, it's a woman's choice. I don't believe it's a baby until it's born. Man, I'm a pro-abortion Republican atheist who supports gay marriage. How many of us are there around?
  7. What a shock. Fezmid making a DB reference... Give it up dude.
  8. Thank-you, you just proved my point. Of course there are no atheist's in foxholes. Why? That's when fear (hence, we need and want a "god") is at it's strongest.
  9. http://www.uselessjunk.com/modules.php?nam...rder=0&thold=-1 Watch closely!
  10. David Koresh also claimed he was "the son of God", no? How about all of the other schizo's who walk around claiming they are the son of God? Not that I'm calling Jesus a schizo, but did you ever think of the possibility that maybe Jesus wasn't all there? Mental illness isn't just a 20th century creation. Let the flaming begin.
  11. I was referring to the mideast, where Muslim leaders use that religion to control the people over there.
  12. I'm an atheist. The idea of "God" makes no sense to ME; however, it's not my right to tell people what to believe. Religion, and "God", IMHO, was/is based on control and fear. Humans are afraid of the unknown, thus, they create a "God", and "heaven". I don't even have to explain control. Look at the world today.
  13. So, what did you do after he smacked your window?
  14. The man, the myth, and the legend has returned.
  15. I used to believe that Funeral Homes were where old people went for rest and relaxation. Oops.
  16. I use Firefox and I get the test page.
  17. Sep 11 Houston L Sep 18 @Tampa Bay W Sep 25 Atlanta W Oct 2 @New Orleans W Oct 9 Miami W Oct 16 N.Y. Jets W Oct 23 @Oakland W Oct 30 @New England L Week 9 BYE Nov 13 Kansas City L Nov 20 @San Diego L Nov 27 Carolina W Dec 4 @Miami W Dec 11 New England L Dec 17 Denver W Dec 24 @Cincinnati W Jan 1 @N.Y. Jets W 11-5
  18. A 3? I doubt TD would do that.
  19. http://apnews.myway.com/article/20050422/D89KFAL00.html
  20. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7563377/
  21. Joe Morgan, Al Michaels. I also like the NY Mets radio man, Gary Cohen. He calls it like he sees it, and isn't afraid to bash his own team.
  22. Didn't see it. Great read, thanks!
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