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Everything posted by IBTG81

  1. Thank-you all for this wonderful thread!!!!!!!!!
  2. I would venture to say BF is.
  3. Fixed.
  4. Bite me, you overgrown fossil.
  5. http://www.journalstar.com/articles/2005/0...5c876953692.txt But, but, but...I thought we invaded Iraq for the oil!!
  6. You're so dreaaaaaaaaaaaamy...
  7. I enjoy the Taboo series, though I'm only 24. I enjoy history!
  8. That just sounds so wrong...
  9. Office Space The Patriot O Brother Where Art Thou Eurotrip Ocean's 11 (Clooney version) Ocean's 12 The Goonies Rudy Meet the Parents The Burbs
  10. I always knew Ajzepp was a wise man (for surrounding himself with such a beauty like yourself).
  11. No, we're going to the Inner Harbor and stuff. BNL is only playing this one show this summer (they're writing and recording their next album).
  12. I get annoyed when the same schmuck follows me around like a little lost kitten.
  13. I loved Songs for Silverman. I'm a huge Ben Folds fan. I saw him about a month ago at The Electric Factory in Philly, and I have tickets to see him in Atlantic City in August.
  14. I wouldn't exactly call it embezzling! What was it, 100 bucks or so? I bow down to you, oh great moralistic one! BTW, how far are you from Baltimore? I'll be there next Friday.
  15. It's the BNL DMB at Randall's Island. When tickets went on sale, my GF and I were broken up (We went on a mini roadtrip last summer following BNL--they're "our" band). We got back together, and we both want to go. I was going to try E-Bay first, but if that fails, any ideas?
  16. Hey VA, did you ever make a copy a cassette tape? How about a video tape?
  17. Probably one of the most over-rated bands in the history of music. Right next to The Rolling Stones.
  18. Dude, if you're going to insult me, please don't be a kitty and say it under your "normal" name. Even better, why don't you say it to my face. We'll see who's laughing then.
  19. Hey, I'm glad I could help! But Playboy? LA, I mean Sexpert, that's weak.
  20. Concert tix.
  21. Does anyone know of a "decently" priced ticket agency online (AKA scalper)?
  22. How about this? I have a Darwin fish, yet I'm a Conservative.
  23. How is that gay? Because I'm telling him not to listen to a bunch of jack-asses, and do what feels right inside?
  24. I knew LA would have to throw his two cents in... How about 1). It's not funny, and 2). it's highly insulting to some people. But really Mark, why would you care?
  25. By that logic, you're saying T is gay.
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