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Everything posted by IBTG81

  1. Do you know anything about the laproscopic procedure?? When I researched it, it seemed less barbaric then the open discectomy.
  2. I have a bulging disc in my back. I see a chiropractor to do VAX therapy, which is basically a machine to do decompression. I discussed the possibility of surgery with both my Doc and my Chiro (just in case), and they both said STAY AWAY from fusion. When you fuse together, it limits mobility, and the disc above has a good chance of herniation. They now have a procedure which they can do laproscopically which is supposed to be much better.
  3. BNL, Ben Folds, Coldplay, Billy Joel, and Elliott Smith. Need I go on?
  4. I wasn't saying that was your point. I should have separated it when i said good point then started to ramble. I've been to several shows where the artist has come out and said, "sorry ticket prices have gone up, but..."
  5. Hahahaha, that would be great. How about if he were named "Cootie Hog".
  6. Good point. Many artists raised the price of their shows/concerts to offset file-sharing. I'll bet a thousand bucks we don't see those prices drop.
  7. I was pissed when I saw this. I love my P2P networks. That's OK. A different technology will come out soon enough...
  8. Ohhhh, a month. What's next? A link to badger?
  9. Wow...that's only a couple of months old...
  10. I loved when he did Aye yi yi yi, your mother is so dry, the crabs carry canteens.
  11. Yes he does!! I get to see him about 2-3 times a year.
  12. I saw Dr. Dirty tonight at The Stress Factory in New Brunswick, NJ. The dude is flat out hysterical. Anyway, he was saying how he lived in Buffalo (and I quote here) "I had to put up with Drew Bledsoe up there for three years. I'm a Cowboys fan so now I have to put up with that retard, mf'er of a statue who sucks for at least two more years. GD mf'er."
  13. Bump...This was falling a bit low on the first page.
  14. Yup. A lot of people are fed up with all the crap going on there.
  15. Now, I know I work for a non-profit, but I'm not THAT charitable.
  16. What are the odds of two Ron Jeremy avatars back to back. Don't want to take your day job LA.
  17. ?
  18. He was a guy. No offense to women in power positions here, but I generally believed that men were more straight-forward, bot the stab you in the back type.
  19. I've insulted you?? Uh, when?
  20. I have the head of HR as my witness. I figure I am pretty much screwed.
  21. I was promised a promotion a few weeks ago, when when of the managers returned from vacation. She came back this week, and we all sat down to discuss it. The VP (who told me I was getting promoted), changed his mind suddenly, and said they were going to hire from outside (someone fresh out of college and cheaper). Now, I didn't get this is writing, but do I have any legal rights? I tried to discuss it with him, and that turned out to be a waste. I then told him I was disappointed with the organization, and I may have to start looking for a new job. I am so !@#$ing pissed.
  22. Hey, at least SOMEONE likes me!
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