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Everything posted by IBTG81

  1. But they are not judging the girl. They are judging her parents. That was my whole point TMC. Religion, as a whole, is intolerant. It's all about fear, power, and control.
  2. Then I said gotta love religion! My ex was Protestant. We've had discussions about this, and she, and her parents both said homosexuality was a "sin." But, for arguments sake, why don't why throw in Christian Science, Mormons, First Baptists, Southern Baptists...
  3. Just because someone is gay, doesn't mean they don't have "moral values." So in essence you're saying that I could live a good Christian life, but if I were gay, I would be excluded?
  4. Born-again, Islam, Jehova's, Catholicism, Prtoestantism. Care to continue?
  5. That is probably the most ignorant statement I have ever read on TBD.
  6. OK, fine. Name 5 branches of relion that tolerate homosexuality.
  7. Well, considering you have made anti-gay posts in the past, you get a big fat
  8. Oh, I'm sorry. I just happen to see more that supports my opinion. Tell me Keggy, name 5 branches of religion that OPENLY supports gay marriage/unions/lifestyle. I thought so.
  9. I finally have a pic of VABills! I didn't know you could kneel so long!
  10. http://www.breitbart.com/news/2005/09/23/D8CPU38G8.html Ya gotta love religion...
  11. I'm going to see Royksopp at the Bowery Ballroom in NYC tonight. Anyone like them? They are definately a cool group.
  12. Fez, if ya don't mind me asking... How much did all of this cost?
  13. You can also use it as a "credit card". Any place that takes VISA will take that. You don't need a pin number. Haklf the stores will not check signatures, and if anyone uses it online, there's no way for the place of business to verify that it is not her. Call your bank ASAP.
  14. 1. Rescue Me 2. ER 3. Big Brother 4. CSI (any one) 5. Survivor
  15. Yeah, you're about as objective as Al-Jazeera.
  16. It's sad that you can't stop talking about Drew. Give it up Fezzy.
  17. Wasn't opening day on Thursday?
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