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Everything posted by IBTG81

  1. Agree 100%. Rescue Me is the best show on TV by far.
  2. Actually, this would actually work. I was an Econ minor in college. My prof worked with lawyers. His job was to economically come up with a price that people could so for. He said, while sad, the best case to win on was a young person, especially a toddler. He could argue that this toddler was going to become a neurosurgeon. Afraid to go to court, many insurance companies would settle...for a lot. Just a thought.
  3. Thanks Dan!! When I first heard the song, it sounded like Neil Young to me. I'll check it out! Thanks again!
  4. In this past Thursday's episode, a song(not the theme) started and ended the show. I tried googling it to no avail. Anyone have any clue what song it is?
  5. I stumped it with a plant on my first try.
  6. Hell, if it breathes and has t!ts, I'd probably !@#$ it...
  7. Coldplay is the greatest band around. Chef Jim agrees too.
  8. Ignorance. The song "Fix You" is actually about Gwenyth. Chris wrote it to her, after her dad passed away.
  9. http://www.journalnet.com/articles/2005/09...ocal/news05.txt
  10. It's because BF/one of his loser friends follows me around.
  11. But it did 50 years ago. It's not apples and oranges, more like, oranges and tangerines.
  12. Yeah, what's up with that? Am I not allowed to agree with The Dean?!
  13. I happen to believe we should control more of the world...
  14. I say I'm the universal judge! Seriously though, how about this scenario: A white girl is accpeted into a private school. They find out she is adopted by two black parents. They kick her out, because that to them is immoral. Is that OK?
  15. How so? Certain aspects are good. However, look at the world today. You're telling me religion doesn't play a huge part in what's gone wrong?
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