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Everything posted by IBTG81

  1. At least I don't need a step-stool to look in the mirror!
  2. Crayonz has to be BF...No two people alive can be this immature and stupid. Again though, thank you all for your warm wishes. I'll work on her becoming a Bills fan. Eventually, I think I'll just wear her down... Pete, you made me pee myself this morning!
  3. I have no clue if JP or not has "it." Carr is extremely talented. If he becomes available, you'd have to jump on it in a heartbeat.
  4. Are you kidding me? Leinart is probably the best QB to come out of college in the last 10 years or so. The Texans would see what they could get for Carr, or outright release him.
  5. The Texans O-line makes ours look like the Cowboys of the mid nineties. Whenever Carr has decent time to throw, he looks good. Real good. Theisman, who I really don't like, said the same thing as well. I tend to believe a HOF QB talking about another QB.
  6. David Carr. Now, before you tell me to put down the crack pipe, hear me out. Houston is going to finish with the worst record. You can't pass up on Leinart, so they're going to draft him. They can't have two 70 million dollar QB's on their roster, so Carr will have to go. This will enable them to shore up their OL through FA. What do ya think?
  7. I almost peed myself when he did "the cowboy." Kidding around, I sometimes do a variation of "the cowboy" when I'm out in public. It embarasses the hell out of whomever you're with. They showed a clip of Willis dancing on CBS, before he scored a td. At that point, I wanted him to score so bad, just to see what he'd do. And I am not ashamed to admit that I started yelling, "smack that ass Willis", while he was doing it. It was in a completely heterosexual manner, of course.
  8. Thank you all. I've very excited to start the next stage in my life. We were maybe talking about a March 2007 wedding (so she can finish grad school). I appreciate all of the warm wishes and thanks. P.S. If I ever start to worry/listen to what SDS or BF has to say, then I'd be in serious trouble. I just consider the source.
  9. In retrospect, I think being apart was the best thing that could have happened. It let us re-evaluate everything, and we both realized that we didn't want to be without one another.
  10. She's a Giants fan, and her dad is a Jets fan. I don't mind the Giants, I root for them second. She doesn't bust my balls about the Bills though.
  11. I'm with BiB on this one. I threw a spitball at a teacher. The kid sitting next to me (a real a-hole) got busted, and suspended for 5 days.
  12. I popped the big question last night. A month after I posted about the gf and me breaking up, we got back together. We have been going out for about 2 years and 2 months now. She obviously said yes!
  13. Rutgers is on the upswing. Schiano has this team going in the right direction.
  14. I didn't get to watch the game. Anyone play well? Who played like crap? Fez and Bill...Opinions?
  15. Oh I wish we would... Don't forget about taking the oil first...
  16. Not only are you a Phins fan, you're also a libtard.
  17. http://www.sportsline.com/nfl/story/8927130 Sorry if this is a repost.
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