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Everything posted by IBTG81

  1. Oh yes, my favorite type of thread. Most of you already know how I feel about this. I do love the hypocracy though. Right next to my Bush/Cheney sticker on my car, I have a Darwin fish (I guarantee no one else has this combo). About a week ago, some a-hole yells to me, "burn in hell, you atheist freak." Gotta love the religious types...
  2. Yeah, I chose the one you have, but slightly fancier. I had to get an extra large, compared to your thimble sized. Should be here in two weeks.
  3. What a shock. Keggy is being an ass. Grow up dude.
  4. You didn't like it? Not starting trouble or anything...Why not?
  5. The movie was excellent. It was one of the few movies where I enjoyed the second one more than the first.
  6. The same thing happened at Giants Stadium during the pre-season. Freaky.
  7. If you don't agree with P2P, you can try www.allofmp3.com. You can get full albums for about one dollar.
  8. Dude, don't start in a thread like this please...
  9. Sorry to hear that Jokeman. I put my dog to sleep two years ago, and it still bothers me. I had him creamated, and have his ashes on my desk. I still talk to "him" once and awhile. It will get easier my friend, that I promise. Hang in there.
  10. Kean College? Oh well. BF or Stojan (sad that people can't tell the difference) is just jealous. You'll meet the man of your dreams one day, I promise...
  11. The point was...?? Scott was just being himself, that's all...
  12. The dude is 24. You are how old? Where exactly has it gotten him Scott? Ask Stojan. I'm quite sure he enjoys his life.
  13. Ya know what Pete...I think you're right...
  14. Maybe I'll check that movie out. It may make things more clear!
  15. Honestly, I think we all went in expecting so much more. That voice on th ephone was ridiculous, as was Sarah Michelle Gellar. She doesn't belong in a movie like this.
  16. The Grudge was horrible in my opinion. It was so stupid, it was actually funny. Me and my two friends afterwards just kind of looked at one another and rolled our eyes. The Saw is a great movie...Very creepy and unpredictable. The special edition just came out today. Seven is also good;very similar to The Saw.
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