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Everything posted by IBTG81

  1. Parcells called Glenn a woman I believe in Glenn's rookie year. Parcell's was coaching NE at the time. Parcell's also cut Cortez after Cortez botched a fg against the Seahawks.
  2. He called out Terry Glenn and called him a woman. Listen to a pc after the Cowboys lose. Parcells doesn't hesitate to call players out.
  3. Ron Edwards? Ummm, last time I checked, he SUCKS. Fletcher missed what? 2 quarters? If you have to count on Kevin Thomas, we're in trouble. How much time has Milloy missed? The only thing Milloy misses is the RB running right past his slow ass.
  4. Belly just cut a safety (I can't remember his name) who was starting for them. Are you saying that Parcells isn't a good coach?
  5. You're damn right i expect him to say that. Why not? Parcells does it. Bellichek cuts people. JJ used to call people out all of the time. Tom Coughlin does it. Carmen Policy used to do the same. You catching the drift? Put it this way. If you were performing horrendously at your job, shouldn't your boss say or DO something?
  6. I was a TD supporter, until I read this... Kyle Shrader (Orlando, FL): When can we admit, as an organization, that both lines have been insufficiently addressed in regard to personnel, and that the personnel we do have does not fit with our "schemes?" Tom Donahoe: As a personnel staff, we do not feel that our lines have been insufficiently addressed. We have addressed the offensive and defensive lines both in free agency and the draft. Our biggest concern with the play of our lines has been inconsistency. At times this year, the line play has been very good and at other times it has been lacking. We have to continue to find a way to play more consistently on both sides of the ball. This is total BS. If he honestly believes this, TD needs to get the boot, and get the boot quickly...
  7. Get out your banjo and a Confederate Flag... Come upto the North East my friend. Forget Virginia...The state motto is: "Virginia: Where the men are men, and the sheep are nervous."
  8. Willis is in the top 5. If the coaching staff knew how to use him, he'd probably be in the top 2-3. Moulds is done. He's done nothing to help a young QB out (he has to have some of the worst numbers for a #1 WR, and he's not worth the money. Cut him.
  9. I agree. I would also add Jeff Posey and Sam Adams to that list.
  10. I actually just did. They make me sick...
  11. Kinda corny, but does anyone else picture Crap Throwing Monkey during this? He reminds me of the turkey on the left at the end... http://www.msn.americangreetings.com/view....m=1652&rr=y&sou
  12. Dr. Green (Anthony Edwards). I'm a huge ER fan, as I watch it every Thursday. Yes, it's gotten a tad stale, but I still love it.
  13. Hey, that's the same exact thing your sister used to say...
  14. Pete, the answer is simple...If you don't want to bang her, don't. Just have her give you a bj. It's the best of both worlds! If she presses on about wanting to bang you, tell her you think she's special, and you're waiting for the right moment. It's all about the bj my friend, all about the bj.
  15. McNally is a great coach. He can turn someone who sucks into someone average (our whole line, exception being Peters), someone who is average into someone who is good, someone who is good into someone who is great, and someone who is great into a star. Take a look at the scrubs he had with the Giants before coming here.
  16. http://college.break.com/articles/theking.html
  17. At least wait five minutes in between posts, Tom!
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