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Everything posted by IBTG81

  1. Absolutely. I live in Jets/Giants land, and let me tell ya, people used to B word about Fabini constantly. Picture an older Mike Williams, that can't run block as well.
  2. Fabini sucks. He was benched for a period of time last year. He is getting older, and is injury prone.
  3. I tried to rbing up some points you and Tom stated on a call in show on 101.5. I was basically shouted down and called an idiot. Apparently, our moron of a Governor is now suing saying he doesn't want this to happen in NJ. I stated I thought he was manuvering politically. I was then hung up on...
  4. I want a buildup of arms, and equipment. Also, new technology is extremely important. A little PR would be good, too.
  5. We haven't sent out our invitations yet. We are getting married March 18 of next year.
  6. One of two options I believe. If I'm going to get taxed up the a$$, which I probably always will, put the money to good use: cut Medicaid, Bush's SS plan was great, cut Welfare, get rid of highly inflated govt. pensions, get rid of the Dept. of Education. Increase military spending, and scientific research.
  7. I love gray areas! In all seriousness, I guess I really don't fit with one particular party. I'm a fan of science. Science can be proven, as we all know, Science SHOULD be taught in schools, and taught heavily. However, if you're going to teach Darwin, and evolution, isn't fair to explore all other avenues(religions, basic spirituality)? To digress a bit...When I was in college, I took Bio 1&2. My Professor was a 75 year old nun. Probably the best teacher I have EVER had. She taught us about the big bang, and Darwin, and said she believed in that! I asked her how she possibly could being a nun and all, and her explanation was simple. She believed that everything layed somewhere in the middle. Evolution could be proven. The big bang, she believed, was created by God. It was an interesting analysis, and one I never thought I'd hear a servent of God say.
  8. I was actually thinking of buying another external to back this stuff up onto.
  9. I'm neither. I'm very socially liberal (abortion, gay rights, atheist), but militarily and economically I'm as right wing as you can get. Steal the oil, nuke the mideast, and please, for the love of Darwin, lower my #$&!(@# taxes...
  10. I have an external hard drive which sontains ALL of my music...about 100 gigs or so. Is there an easy way to back this up in case something happens (please dont tell me I have to burn everything)? Thanks.
  11. The fact that you knew where to find that really frightens me...
  12. If banging your sister is considered being "owned", I would guess you're right...
  13. Nah, he shows a level of intelligence crayonz will never get to...
  14. I'm bummed Misty got voted off. I mean, she's a hot missle engineer. What else can ya ask for?
  15. Scored 16 out of 20, which is better than 87%.
  16. Interesting...That URL has BFinIndiana in it. Can you say, BUSTED??????!?!?
  17. Yawn. When are you going to try and come up with something new? Hopefully soon...
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