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Everything posted by IBTG81

  1. What if he said, F-you, I'm going to rape your daughter (or something to that effect)? We don't know. But of course, the left-wing nutball media will run with this story.
  2. There was a seven second dump. You have no idea what the caller even said...
  3. I love it when Sabres and Leafs fans talk crap... It must suck though, when the realization sets in that my NJ Devils will win it all, AGAIN!
  4. You think living in WV you'd support abortion, with all of the inbreeding going on...
  5. This is what happens when you have religious nutballs making and enforcing laws...
  6. I'm not a MM fan, but I would love to have seen that!
  7. I'm actually surprised more of what you said hasn't happened. In the article i read (I actually read it on Phelps' website), after their houses got firebombed, the police refused to get involved and basically looked the other way.
  8. A few years ago someone did that to them. Went after the church and some of their homes. They went whining and bitching to the police, and then contacted the FBI. Ironic, no?
  9. With the exception of blz, you are the most liberal poster here. You got me though...
  10. By saying broken record, I meant you are spouting the liberal line. Nice try though. Ever hear of something called "critical thinking"?
  11. Yawn. What's that crackling sound I hear?? Oh yeah, it's a BROKEN RECORD.
  12. Uhhh, maybe because "God" doesn't exist? "God" had nothing to do with you being born. You being born was most likely a result of porn and coke.
  13. I like McMahon a lot, especially since he is a Rutgers alum! He is too much like JP though. Right now, they are almost the exact same QB. I'd rather have JP.
  14. Whatever happened to your reading comprehension Thomas? He asked which one was hotter. There wasn't an option "C". I'll be awaiting your vicious comeback!
  15. Jess, by far. The second one has a total butterface.
  16. We should drop one on Iran so we can all see.** This comment may spark a firestorm which will then send this to PPP. I humbly apologize.
  17. Maybe I'll sign with the Dolphins board...! Yeah right!
  18. When he asks if you are a Christian, say no!! to KC after that!
  19. http://www.wayofthemaster.com/wotm_flash.h...kirkscolumn.swf Haha, he's gone off the deep end. Click on play intro on the top right!
  20. I thought the girls were going to collude this week and vote Shane out. I see that it may happen next week.
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