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Everything posted by IBTG81

  1. Dean, I think you're the only one who doesn't think this is BF...
  2. This is CLASSIC BF!! Pyrite Gal is not hot. Pyrite Gal is one of those people who are flat-chested, and for me, would not make a great date.
  3. You're missing the whole entire point. This isn't a one game situation. Look up old copies of the NYPost or NYDailyNews. I like how EVERYONE else is wrong here (and is either ignorant or a moron), and you're correct.
  4. Not a cookbook per se, but this is my favorite recipe!
  5. "Somehow, Jets coach Herman Edwards allowed his team to lose another game because of clock management issues and questionable play calling." The article then says... "Edwards did all he could in the offseason to avoid the same problems that have plagued his teams throughout his four-year tenure. He assigned assistant coach Dick Curl to concentrate solely on time management, and drew up countless late-game scenarios for how to handle the clock in any situation." That refutes everything you have said.
  6. Brandon Brandon Brandon... Pyrite Gal is right up your alley. You've probably dated many people like Pyrite Gal. Anyone still believe this tool isn't BF?
  7. Read this article. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=1923625
  8. Is that just an NFL rule? Cablevision owns both the Knicks and the Rangers (James Dolan).
  9. Jealous? Listen BF, just because the only kitty you've ever felt was your mom's during birth, doesn't mean you have to start throwing a hissy fit. Why don't you whip up a batch of rettatta, and get back to us in an hour or so.
  10. I know, right?? And people still believe this moron isn't BF...
  11. My 5 year old next door neighbor used to run around saying that. Wanna pick something a little more modern, you roody-poooooooooooooooo.
  12. Gee, it's not like a live in NJ or anything. I'm also a Mets fan and a Knicks fan. I'm sure front-running there, too...
  13. I only do it because of the loud-mouth, bragging Sabres fans. Act like you've won before!
  14. What do you know Rubes?? You're only a Doctor...
  15. There is no such thing as ADD. ADD doesn't exist. Now ADHD, on the other hand... Seriously, ADD is no longer used.
  16. They are 2-1 against your Sabres (2 games in Buffalo), 2-2 against Philly, 1-1 against Ottawa. Not too bad for a team who supposedly stinks... BTW, the Sabres are 1-3 against Ottawa...So, does that mean the Sabres can't beat them in a playoff series? Absolutely not. Look how the Devils did when Elias came back. They only won 9 in a row. he should be back in a week or two hopefully. He is their spark. BTW, when was that last cup win?
  17. Oh yeah, where were the Sabres? Tell me, how many cups have you won? We'll see come playoff time. I guarantee the Devils if matche dup against the Sabres, will win.
  18. In a series, they will beat Philly, NYR, Sabres (a joke here), and Carolina. The only team I see possibly giving them trouble is Ottawa.
  19. Who do you think can beat them in a series? IF, and I mean IF, Elias is healthy, I don't think we can be stopped.
  20. And what makes you say that? Bandwaggoner? I've been a Devils fan since I liked hockey. If I were a bandwaggoner, I'd be hopping on the Rangers' right now.
  21. But remember, O'Reilly is a Republican. We know what that means... Republican=Bush=Bush bad, nosepick, Haliburton, Carlyle Group, Flight suit... Need I go on?
  22. You're telling me that the media is balanced? Come on dude...
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