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Everything posted by IBTG81

  1. Sorry, no link, just heard it on WFAN. Poor Kris!
  2. I went for this interview about a year ago at a pharmaceutical research place. I was spplying for a project coordinator position. I went through a three hour interview with all of these mid-level people before I reached "the big boss." She went on to explain that she hated when people asked her questions, she wasn't there to babysit, she wasn't fond of men, and she wasn't there to teach. She asked me what kind of manager I was looking for (at this point, I DID NOT want to work here), and I stated, "not someone like you. You seem like a tyrant." I got up, shook her hand, and left. I was offered the job three days later, which I turned down (in retrospect, I should have taken it!)
  3. How about them Sabres??! We won the season series 3-1. I believe most of you (other than Clements) were saying how much the Devils suck!
  4. 4-4. Ouch. The Sabres are looking like my Devils right now. They're not being physical at all...
  5. I'm contemplatimg whether I should stage a "fake snapping" incident.
  6. I forgot to mention...One of the workers told one of our clients to report the three of us for abuse (the client came up and told us). The problem? The workers hubby is good friends with one of our VP's.
  7. Yeah, I have abuddy at DHS and I hear all kinds of sh--. What exactly is USAID?
  8. No, the girls aren't hot. I work with no hot people...
  9. I'm waiting to hear back from DHS but you know how long that can take. And yeah, no one wants to work. I'm working like 70 hour weeks (which is great, that's 30 hours of OT a week).
  10. Working with women sucks. Bunch of back-stabbing gossipping bitches.
  11. If it were up to her, she would have fired the three long ago. We work in a "team" format, and if someone wants to be hired or get fired, administartion has to make the call. Too bad our admin are a bunch of pussies that can't handle conflict.
  12. I should have asked for only serious replies...
  13. To make a long story short, I am a social worker (I think half the people in this field have major issues of their own). ANYWAY... One of the girls that I work with is slacking; she is afraid of our clients, and she gossips about everybody behind their backs. About a month ago, I even overheard her gossipping about my boss and me, while I was in the next room! There are six employees in are area, and it is split 3-3. My boss is on my side. The other side is trying to set us up (medication errors, missing paperwork, that kind of stuff). My question is, what would you do to get this to stop? We tried going to administration, but they said they didn't want to do with it, we should handle in internally.
  14. Oh yeah. It depends on my mood. I actually cried to "You Are My Sunshine" once before. Listen to the lyrics. It's one of the most depressing songs I know.
  15. Hence the ... My God, are the people on here getting dumber and dumber? Simon, incidentally, sounds like you're getting a great deal. An extra 3-5 grand over 30 years shouldn't kill ya for the house of your dreams. Good luck dude.
  16. 165k??? Must be nice not live in NJ...
  17. You hitting the bottle a bit early today? I think we should be shooting cruise missles into OTHER countries...
  18. Not really. The last hurricane to hit here was like 18 years ago or so, and we only got brushed by it. This article is saying a MAJOR one will hit.
  19. Listen, just because you live under a bridge and shout out, "I want me Lucky Charms", gives you n right to pipe in here.
  20. http://wwwa.accuweather.com/promotion.asp?dir=aw&page=nehurr Christ...
  21. That would be Rutgers University, ORRRRRRR...Rutgers, The State University of NJ. Rutgers State! Haha, but seriously, I never even knew we had a meterology program, so that should tell you something.
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