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Everything posted by IBTG81

  1. You forgot "Bush bad", "flightsuit", "Haliburton", and "nose pick." Way to make this PPP...
  2. Someone is going to get annoyed no matter what we do. I say we put up a few ideas, put it to a poll of everyone who is contributing, and go from there.
  3. I think she's pretty hot, for being in what, her mid to late 40's? Countdown to crayonz in 5, 4, 3...
  4. After thinking about it, BF wouldn't stalk me. This crayonz guy has a man-crush on me...
  5. I was just thinking the SAME thing!
  6. Not to mention she probably only goes out with good looking guys! Juuuuuuuuuuust kidding Ramius!
  7. I would say VABills, but there's no way in hell he's smart enough to handle two accounts. He can barely handle one.
  8. Good catch Tom. I can't believe I'm being stalked by a guy who idolizes BF and calls himself smokinandjokin...
  9. Hi my little stalking friend!
  10. I hope he's getting pounded by his 72 virgins as we speak.
  11. This seems to be the best idea.
  12. You're stooping down to VABills' level (which is all of 3 feet) when it comes to jokes.
  13. That is a really good idea. I think something should be done.
  14. I'd say 11 or 12 on a weekend, if it's not an every weekend thing.
  15. I remember a Drew Carey episode, where his father wanted to watch porn with him or something... ::shudder::
  16. Haha, no. Part of the problem is, I don't know who to choose. I don't want to insult anybody. Second, my dad and I are close. I thought it would be a touching way to honor him. Paul made me think. We don't have forever on this earth.
  17. Is it tacky to have a father as a best man? Does it happen often?
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