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Everything posted by IBTG81

  1. This state is so corrupt it makes California look like it run by a bunch of Mother Theresa's. Our property taxes here: If you own a 600,000 home (the norm pretty much around here) your taxes are 1,000 A MONTH The cost of living is insane, and now they just want to keep raising taxes. This tends to happen when the voters vote in the same schlubs OVER AND OVER again.
  2. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showt...32entry716632
  3. I already pointed out the joke. Slaaaaaaaaaaaaaacker!
  4. I would say that sounds good, but you know Thailog will call me gay for saying that. It does sound great though. Any secret ingredients in your BBQ sauce?
  5. Nor a Prius driven by a cat-loving Dexter.
  6. This coming from a Dolfags fan?
  7. Ugh! Nah, a nice Prime Rib with a baked potato!
  8. I'm cooking a nice steak right now.
  9. The one you quoted gimpo, I spelled correctly. Can't you let Marky-Mark fight his own wittle battles? Nope, it's "Kelly I mooch off of society Roberts" to the rescue.
  10. So is proper puncuation! How is that spelled incorrectly, you tool?
  11. Awww, so because Mark was irresonsible, I, my parents, or my sister must be also? Nice logic dude!
  12. It's called having fun. Ever hear of it? Dude, learn how to take a friggan joke.
  13. I'm sorry Herp, I mean Mark. Kind of like your gay jokes, huh?
  14. I'm shocked I haven't seen the following: Bush bad, flight suit, Haliburton, nose pick, Cheney, quail hunting, mission accomplished, and My Pet Goat. Did I leave one out?
  15. 8.3 seconds. What's your infatuation with my car? Do you think calling it gay really bothers me?
  16. Sounds like a typical meazza date...
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