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Everything posted by IBTG81

  1. Why would I want to go any longer? It just gets old after awhile, ya know. Not to mention, she's already had, 4 or 5 O's by then. I forgot to add more importantly that I, unlike LA, don't have an STD.
  2. Why would she leave me when I look good, am funny, and can last an hour in bed?
  3. That's BF'ian logic right there. Nice jump from "friend" to "gays" though.
  4. Now we know you're lying Scott. We all know you have no friends.
  5. Well, I already gave them your name. I have two more to go.
  6. I'm glad the wife is OK. I guarantee if you test drive the Fit (if you can find one because they sell out everywhere), you will buy it.
  7. Israel should just go and and wipe them out. Who's gonna do a thing? If Iran does anything, they will be destroyed too. Everyone needs to stop being such whiny little girls about this. TAKE THEM OUT. Scraps in 5, 4, 3...
  8. Everytime you call me gay or mock my car, I'll rag on you for having an STD.
  9. Knowing I'm STD free makes me happy.
  10. More likely than someone who looks like "the Sherminator."
  11. The sad part is, after the whole McGreevey debacle, Dick Codey took over. Codey is a lifelong Democrat, but I must say, he was doing a great job. So, what happens? Because he's not a good old boy and started clearing out some of the corrupt people, they give the nomination to Corzine instead. I never thought I'd say this, but I hope Trump runs for Governor, wins, and clears out all of the crap. It could be a reality show. "The Governor" airing on NBC.
  12. I do prefer the Truth! Justice! and Mission Accomplished! though.
  13. Surely you could have come up with something better than that.
  14. Or what the Indians did the the Yanks last night. 19-1.
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