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Everything posted by IBTG81

  1. Three posts. Gump.
  2. You forgot "flightsuit" and "nosepick". And yeah, Mr. "I have a plan", and "I voted for it before I voted against it" would have done much better.
  3. Don't make me get Kelso's Helmet after ya.
  4. I'm glad your reading comprehension is up to par.
  5. Seems to me all of the gay website stuff everyone is posting has no mention of the Fit. Interesting. Of course, that won't stop Valtrex Boy, Gimpo, and Larry the Cable Guy.
  6. Good 'ol Fords!
  7. That was probably one of the dumbest posts I've read on TBD. Congrats!
  8. Several? My Fit will last 10 years.
  9. Haha, I thought it sounded wrong. I fixed it.
  10. Oh, and BTW oh bumpy puss filled one, I haven't lived at home for 3 years, and am completely self-sufficient. Nice try though.
  11. Who cares what the leading publications say. It only matters what Darin says! A little egotistical?
  12. So says the guy who resembles Larry the Cable Guy.
  13. I'm surprised you don't drive a cheaper vehicle. Afterall, Valtrex isn't the cheapest medication out there.
  14. Reliability
  15. Congrats. Would you care for a cookie? American cars blow when it comes to reliability and quality. Japanese cars are FAR SUPERIOR. Look it up.
  16. Nice to steal my joke.
  17. Hope ya plan on buying a new car in three years. Ford-Found On Road Dead Ford-Fix Or Repair Daily. Have fun, sucker!
  18. Ding ding ding, we have a winner! I'm thinking the same.
  19. "And the rockets red glare, Iran and Syria bursting through the air..."
  20. "its not that they don't get it, they just don't hear you. you're kinda drowned out by the sound of all the hippie's singing...Koom-bay-ya BushBad! Koom-bay-ya"-/dev/null
  21. I'm throwing this in as one of my sig lines.
  22. I had NJ Manufacturers (on my parents policy, my dad was paying 600 a year for the both of us, and got a rebate), but when I bough tthis car, I had to go on my own. I have to wait 6 months to go back (due to a ticket) and Geico was by far the cheapest around ($1200 cheaper than Allstate ). Their customer service has been outstanding as well.
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