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Everything posted by IBTG81

  1. Didn't mean to offend your age bracket, oh fossilized one.
  2. I do agree with you. However, I read an article last week from the Chairman of Opec (I think he's from Nigeria or something) saying that if something happens in Iran, other countries can up their share.
  3. I'm not saying the Milf doesn't exist, but I think the majority of mother's in their forties aren't attractive.
  4. Very few are what I'd consider "hot."
  5. Don't read the Wall when it's not football season. I only read Off the Wall and PPP. Not to mention, this kind of is an off-topic thread.
  6. There is a pic of her in today's NY Post. She isn't bad looking, for being a 40-something year old mom.
  7. Just because that's the color of your Neon doesn't mean I like it for the Fit.
  8. So says the one who can "FIT" in my glove compartment.
  9. But that WOULD stop Gillette from ever putting anything out greater than 5 blades.
  10. I think Gillette did a study that showed there is a big difference between 4 and 5 blades, but not 5 and 6. I have the fusion, and it's great.
  11. Howya doing One Trick Pony?
  12. You've brought up the Fit much more than I have!
  13. You do know a part on the Prius was recalled, right?
  14. That's my understanding. Honda wanted to see how Fit's would do in the US (they are selling out even before they reach America; in fact, dealerships across the country are jacking up the price). I could give a crap if the "guys" on this board call my car gay, but it is one of the coolest cars I have driven. When inside, it doesn't "feel" like a $16k dollar car.
  15. Starts with a J, and on my sticker, it says 100% Japan.
  16. Well, I figure I'm gonna drive my car to Tom's house so he can j---k off on my car, because in every post he seems to get a tad too excited about it. Then, I'll drive out to LA, so Mark can then add his "stuff" as well. I would hop out to LA first, but I'm afraid Tom might catch something from LA (HERPES) I've never seen two grown men whine and B word about a car so much. Hey Tom, is your Prius ready to explode, or is it a different model?
  17. Stop crying like a little girl. VW sucks almost as bad. We're talking Japanese here. Haven't heard anyone complaining of a Honda...
  18. Don't you mean who's?
  19. You never heard of the red-headed stepchild comment? Harrrrrrrrrrrrrriet... Oh yeah, Tom is as gorgeous as one of my deuces.
  20. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard at a post!
  21. It's an awesome place. Lots of cool bars, great food, and cruises around the water you can go on for a great price. If you want, PM me and I'll tell ya some great places/deals.
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