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Everything posted by IBTG81

  1. It's so cute that Tom is attepmting to E-flirt! Of course, it comes off as a tad creepy, but...
  2. Haha, I just posted in the thread. Wonder how long it will be before I'm banned there.
  3. Let me start off by saying I'm not war-mongoring here. It seems like this is a given. This one actually makes me nervous, because I think in order to do this right, we need to commit 400k ground troops plus a massive air strike. A draft, maybe? I'd go. So, what does everyone think? Is war REALLY avoidable? If not, when do we attack? I say it's not, and we go within the next two months.
  4. i don't mind the rain so much, but the humidity wipes me out. I can't wait for October. I love this area that time of year.
  5. A buddy of mine just got back from the Netherlands and almost got into 4 fights (this guy is a Saint, not a trouble maker in the least). Once people heard his accent, he got bombarded with stuff like, "Americans suck", "you imperialist bastard", and so on and so forth.
  6. Sadly, it would probab;y be an improvement over the current Raider team!
  7. I miss how you rile everybody up!
  8. I heard Greece was beautiful! Don't they hate Americans over there? Our first choice was going to be Egypt. We wanted to take a cruise down the Nile. However, I think going over there voluntarily may not be the best idea right now.
  9. I want to keep this thread from turning into bashing.
  10. We were thinking of doing the UK/Ireland thing, but right now, with everything going on, she's hesitant to fly.
  11. I'm back in Brick now. If I see one more Benny I'm gonna scream!
  12. I know! Thanks! We're getting married in march, but we're going to be honeymooning in May (she's a brand new College Professor and can't skip that many classes).
  13. I'll check into that. I priced together one package, and it came to almost 10 grand for 6 nights! Haha, I guess my taste is too extravagant. I'm hoping to get this thing for under 5k.
  14. We both LOVE DW. DisneyQuest is cool, as is Paradise Island. And yes, I think it's romantic!
  15. The fiancee and I are thinking about Honeymoon spots. We both listed Disney World in our top 3. If we choose that though, we want to go the "luxourious" route. Anyone have any experiences/advice about any of the hotels inside of Disney? I was eyeing the Animal Kingdom one, and saw the price varied greatly (305-2500 per night). Any ideas would be helpful.
  16. Maybe hindering an investigation? Who knows? I'm sure they can come up with some creative things.
  17. It was obvious this nutjob only wanted his 15 minutes of fame. I hope they charge him on every little thing they can.
  18. I have to say yes also! Go for it!
  19. Hey Tom, under the comments section, are you Monkey Boy? If not, I think I found your long lost posting twin!
  20. Johnson was/is a more fragile Bledsoe.
  21. Johnson had all of the tools and talent. I wonder how good he could have been if we had an o-line to protect him.
  22. Also, Nip/Tuck Season 3 comes out. Season 4 starts next Tuesday on FX.
  23. I doubt that we'd be able to capture him alive.
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