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Everything posted by IBTG81

  1. I second this...
  2. Good job Joe! As I write this, he only has 231 yards passing and 2 td's.
  3. My mouth feel fine. I have a little weird feeling in the back, but nothing too painful. I'm still bleeding a tad, but my ORal Surgeon said I might throughout the weekend. It's nothing too serious unles I'm bleeding heavily. Knock on wood, this hasn't been a bad experience at all.
  4. Why don't you like McCain?
  5. Oops!!
  6. I though tit may have been an updated picture. I always thought Lark and Tiffany were the two hottest. Elizabeth Berkley reminds me of an ostrich.
  7. Hotlinking not allowed is the error I get.
  8. Saved By The Bell..."The Angry Pirate"
  9. I just hope and pray they don't take Schiano. He is their former D-Corrdinator, and with seeing what he has done with Rutgers, who knows.
  10. So far, so good. I don't have stitches. It literally took the oral surgeon one minute per tooth. The pain is more of an annoyance. i haven't taken anything yet. the only annoying thing is I'm still bleeding, which he said I might all night! Corp, everyone I've asked has said day 1 is the worst. Maybe yours was so bad because they had to break your jaw?
  11. I'll give you the grown man and cotton part, but I'm not swollen, and I drive a Honda, not a Hinda.
  12. It's very common (at least around here). They were kind of surprised when i said that i didn't want to go fully under. The novocaine wore off. My mouth hurts a little bit, and I'm still bleeding. It wasn't so bad knock on wood).
  13. I had them out at 11:30. I didn't go under general anesthesia, just novocaine. I'm still bleeding, which sucks, because i want to go to sleep. I have some pain, but not unbearable (yet).
  14. Awesome my man, awesome!
  15. Did you ever see the True Hollywood Story (or something like that) on the guy who cracked the PYL board?
  16. What you MIGHT be looking for is “Aside” by The Weakerthans.
  17. Yeah, they definately should. Plus, her parents are paying for the reception, so... Let's put it this way. Come March 19, a new 60 inch Plasma HD will be sitting in my living room!
  18. Having you as a talent coordinator for Playboy is like having crayonz be a liason for MENSA. Hmmm, you and crayonz in the same sentence...
  19. I didn't bash Christians at all. Ohhh, I don't believe in God. I must be such a "horrible" human being.
  20. Well, I think using the incorrect form of "you're" is also ignorant. I guess we're even.
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