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Everything posted by IBTG81

  1. If you didn't see, why bother even commenting?
  2. That's why I posted this.
  3. I can't effing believe you just said that. The last comment you made is one of the most disgusting comments I've ever seen on here. Go ahead. Throw out a Honda Fit joke, or a telephone pole joke. I'd rather drive my Fit listening to Yanni than have the attitude and feelings you do.
  4. A year?! So, Bill Walsh, one year with one of the worst OL's in the history of football is enough time for you to judge JP? Someone please call the Bills, because apparently all of the scouts in the Buffalo area are on TBD.
  5. What the hell does talking about Leinart and wanting to move have to do with one another? Did Holcomb's Arm steal your password?
  6. If Losman had those numbers against the Raiders he'd be crucified.
  7. Is losing 17-0 to the Raiders right now. He's 2-7, 24 yds, and a pick. Where are all of the assclowns saying we blew it by not picking him?
  8. And we're going to cream UConn next week. RU should have put more points up than 20. If we didn't have Mike (JP Losman) Teel running the show, who knows how great the offense could be. That being said, I think they are going to beat Louisville.
  9. Seriously, could you please stop crusading. It's getting very annoying.
  10. Is someone going to take the picture? It was nice to see an appearance by Tom, Darin, VA, Chef Jim, LA, and detox.
  11. Rolling Stone is probably the leading publication of music information in the US. Why are you so defensive over them being 'emo" anyway?
  12. Royksopp - Great band, probably going to get a lot bigger after the Geico commercial exposure. I saw them in NY last summer and they were amazing. Melody AM is a great album. Ben Folds - Underrated song writer. Amazingly nice person as I met him a few times and got to have a few beers with him. Rockin' the Suburbs has both a great sound and excellent writing. Songs For Silverman is more of a lighter sound. More emotional too. Ben Lee - Saw him once live. Awesome energy. Has an album out called Awake is the New Sleep. Great lyrics, fun melodies. Very catchy. Coldplay - Enough said. One of the greatest bands of our generation. Everything they put out is gold. The Postal Service/Death Cab For Cutie - Ben Gibbard is the lead singer for both. A phenominal song writer. TPS has only once CD out, which is amazing in lyrics and sound. DCFC is an aquired taste, but once you start listening, you won't stop. I could go on forever here...
  13. Are you kidding me? The Smiths are one of the most influential bands in the history of music.
  14. Yes, they are emo. We have two of the most influential websites on the net calling them emo. Also, check out allmusic.com. Allofmp3 Rolling Stone
  15. I'm going to Reading next week too. The fiancee and I are heading over to Shocktoberfest.
  16. Ed just got home from work. I stated watching 'To Catch A Predator" on USA. I fully expected to see you there.
  17. What a shock. Tom being a d!ck. Tater, your kid is adorable!
  18. Yes they are. From Urban Dictionary: "Punk music on estrogen. Often acoustic guitar with soft, high male vocals that dwell exessively on the singer's feelings, especially melancholy remembrances of past relationships/mistakes in life. A form of music that diverged from punk in the '80s, the name "emo" is derived from the emotive style of the lyrics and music. This genre has lately been marketed heavily by the music industry to teenagers with bands such as Dashboard Confessional and Taking Back Sunday, and has seen much commercial and mainstream success. The music has also spawned a subculture which conforms to certain conventions in dress such as tight sweatshirts, tight band T-shirts and horn-rim glasses. Adherents profess to exessively melancholy temperments. Males that adhere to the emo subculture are sometimes confused with metrosexuals; indeed the line between the two is somwhat blurred, though both groups claim to be intouch with their emotional side. The ephemeral and hackneyed nature of emo songwriting suggests that its audience will be restricted largely to teenagers. the genre suffers from a lack of credibility outside the aforementioned demographic group, much like current Nu Metal bands. girlfriend: C'mon, lets have sex. boyfriend: I'm too sad to have sex. girlfriend: I'm sad too; lets have sex and cry. boyfriend: I'm already crying." Go to Google, type in emo and TBS, and see what happens. TBS=Emo
  19. Taking Back Sunday = Emo = complete losers. I wish my lawn were emo so it would cut itself.
  20. i thought 13 year olds didn't have curves?
  21. I'm pretty sure he's responsible for Thank You For Smoking, which is one of the funniest films I have ever seen.
  22. Some of the after pictures look better than the before pictures!
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