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Everything posted by IBTG81

  1. I figured a better response post from you. Why don't you enlighten us with another Fabio story again, or you could educate us on the benefits of safe sex. What would I rather do? Spend time in "real life", or hang around TBD all day? Get a hobby Marky.
  2. I've been working a lot lately. I'm getting ready to move, and I'm trying to finalize my wedding. I see you're still a prick. How is everything else going? BTW, I didn't delete it.
  3. But not according the high and mighty Tom. Remember, if you don't agree with him, you're an idiot.
  4. There is a group on here consisting of DC Tom/Bungee Jumper/CTM/Holcomb's Arm, Alaska Darin, Chef Jim, LABillsFan, VABills, and a few others who will gang up on people, insult them, and ridicule them. They travel in packs. Basically, they are old men who have no lives who try and look "cool" on the internet.
  5. What is your point? That Americans are dumb and racist? Give me a break. If this country is so bad, buh-bye!
  6. I see the "Circle-Jerk" is on Simon's case, too. It's so cute when you guys gang up on someone. Maybe one day I can be cool over the internet. ::hoping::
  7. I think you need a med adjustment. Numbnuts, this is a religious war. You are so cute when you get mad.
  8. What the !@#$ are you talking about? Look at how many non combatants died! I remember dropping an atomic bomb of sort too...
  9. Hey Einstein, it's not racism when you don't allow a group you're at war with to control the ports. Hypothetical here: They control the ports, a nuke is snuck in, and goodbye NYC. What do you say then?
  10. At least I wasn't born with it. Did you throw a party on the anniversary of 9/11?
  11. Because our leaders are morons. (simplified explanation) This is a war which isn't going to end in the next five years. This is going to last into the next generation. Iraq, Iran, and Syria should be dust right now. We knew how to fight wars in the past. The PC crap is getting our men killed. Do you think we gave a !@#$ if innocents died during WWI and WWII. Hell no.
  12. Oh no? You're just a tad naive. BTW, who the !@#$ still "lol's"?!?!
  13. But we're at war with them. Did you see the Jews hugging the Nazi's during WWII? Did you see the British hugging the revolutionists during the Revolutionary War?
  14. Are you really that stupid? Or naive? Or blind? Do you honestly think this is going to be over soon? We still have to hit Iran, and Syria. WWIII is going to break out, and it's literally going to turn into the Christians and the Jews against the Muslims. Oh, how I love religion.
  15. We're in a war against Islam. Anyone who doesn't see/ignores that fact is an idiot.
  16. I did it because ya asked me to, Jimmy.
  17. Are you really this stupid? I know you're from WV and all, but come on. Just because it's posted on "off-the-wall" doesn't mean it can't be a serious topic. Here's a situation where two high schoolers are missing, and could be dead. So, instead of showing some compassion FOR THE GUY WHO KNEW THEM, jokes are made about them being gay or them deserving their fate.
  18. To talk about stuff not related to football, Einstein. I hope no one here ever posts they have cancer or anything. I guess it's free reign for the "Circle-Jerk" to make fun of you and tell you ten different times how you deserve it.
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