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Everything posted by IBTG81

  1. It will come with your AARP card.
  2. I work almost 90 hours a week. Have to love time and a half.
  3. I didn't realize you weren't allowed to bring food on a plane.
  4. I think so too, though I could see Notre Dame beating Ohio State. It seems when ND brings their "A" game, they're almost impossible to beat.
  5. We could count our posts for the last 6 months, I guarantee you'd have higher than me. Plus, with the "Circle-Jerk" following my every move, what else do you expect? No, I only post while I'm at work. We finally got high-speed connection! When I'm home, the last thing I want to do is hang out on the internet.
  6. You tool, here's the definition for regret. From dictionary.com to feel sorrow or remorse for
  7. There are whackjobs everywhere Thomas. I don't care if detox was a friggan General. When you express remorse over not being able to shoot someone in the head, there is a SERIOUS problem.
  8. I used to post a lot. Then I got a life. Look at the rest of the "Circle-Jerk" my friend.
  9. I have to agree with Jim here. Legends?! Are you friggan kidding me?! GreenDay is Pop/Rock. They aren't punk in the slightest. "I walk a lonely road The only one that I have ever known Don't know where it goes But it's home to me and I walk alone"
  10. If you go back to the gun thread Rambo, I stated not everybody should be allowed to own a gun. detox, who was pissed he couldn't shoot someone in the head, should not own a gun. You cannot compare detox to the miltary, numbnuts.
  11. Yes. How much time do I spend on here compared to the rest? Yeah, I thought so.
  12. To everyone with the alcohol issue: It doesn't HAVE to be free. In most cases, yes, the alcohol is comped (which I already stated ). They don't have to give it away for free. They are allowed to charge (she worked for Delta, btw).
  13. Yeah, because she would make up a story about Drew Bledsoe of all people. Don't believe it if ya want to.
  14. I think it's going to happen. Who would have ever thought just 4 years ago that's someone could even have a conversation about this? I saw tickets being scalped for as much as a thousand bucks a pop for the Louisville game!
  15. Fry cook at McDonald's? Greeter at Walmart?
  16. Your shift at McDonald's over? Jimmy, how many times must I state that I don't give a !@#$ what you or the rest of the "Circle-Jerk" have to say? You can insult me, call me gay, I don't care. You guys are old, washed up men who have nothing better to do than sit around and try to look cool on a Buffalo Bills message board.
  17. I don't know crayonz. You should know, you've already posted it.
  18. God figured it would be more painful for you to keep your sorry ass alive.
  19. I can't wait to see Borat.
  20. Interesting, considering you have Borat in a thong as your avatar.
  21. Well, maybe if Drew had a more comfortable seat, two top notch flight attendants, and a world class pilot, he would have been nicer.
  22. Who do you think will come to Drew's defense first? My money is on Fezmid.
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