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Everything posted by IBTG81

  1. eryn made a Polanski joke? Link?
  2. Ignorant comment.
  3. Such a well thought out response.
  4. That would make everything on the radio today, punk.
  5. Sax, piano, bagpipes, trumpet, and I'm currently learning the didgeridoo.
  6. Oh my God, someone on a BB message board doesn't like "me." Jim, why do you care if people like you on a message board? I certainly don't.
  7. It's like shooting fish in a barrel sometimes.
  8. Have you even read this thread? I'm not the only one.
  9. I might not know much, but one thing I know is music. GreenDay is not punk. They are Pop, have always been Pop, and always will be Pop. Who cares though? You like their music, that's all that's important.
  10. I know, I'm on a roll today. I guess I've hit rock-bottom when I have Roman "meazza" Polanski insulting me. Oh well!
  11. They're not punk.
  12. Quick to the insults, huh? I guess that's not very "Christian" of you. Anyway, GreenDay never was and never will be punk. I don't give a flying crap what some kids at a concert say. I've listened to them past and present. They aren't punk.
  13. This was awhile ago so I don't know if the rules changed, and does that mean you can drink like a fish. Again, you have the right to refuse. Listen, I'm not a Bledsoe basher. I wish he would have done well here. I'm just reporting what was told to me.
  14. So angry. I mean, I guess I would be too if all I hung out with is 14 year olds.
  15. I'm waiting for you to tell us Good Charlotte and Simple Plan are punk too.
  16. Polanski should be your idol. Did you read why he cannot come back to the US?
  17. You drive a friggan Prius!!! Can you get any more "tree-hugger environmentalist" than that?
  18. Older people? I'm 25. GreenDay sucks. They are like any other Pop/Rock band on the radio now. They play three chords, and have a catchy chorus. It's really not that difficult.
  19. Whatever you say Mr. Polanski.
  20. Go find a flight sttendant, and ask. IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE GIVEN FOR FREE.
  21. A Fit costs more than a Yaris, Brandon.
  22. Actually, I am salary, but due to lack of help, they break down our salary per hour and pay us time and a half over 40 hrs. This year, I've made almost triple what I should have so far.
  23. Greenday is about as punk as 'NSync are. Johnny Ramone would be rolling in his grave if he heard that GreenDay were being called punk.
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