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Everything posted by IBTG81

  1. I read an article where RU and ND signed a 10 year contract to play one another, which I think starts next year. If anyone wants tickets to the game (provided it's in NJ), let me know. As alumni, I get 2 tickets for like 15 bucks.
  2. Due to the music thread's we've seen recently, I'm curious as to what people like. Hopefully, we won't get into bashing, but this is TBD, so, I expect it by the third post. As for me: My favorite bands/singers include: The Smiths/Morrissey, Coldplay, Ben Folds, BNL, Ben Lee, Nick Drake, Snow Patrol, The Postal Service/Death Cab For Cutie, Royksopp, Editors, and Fastball. I like Indie-Rock, and some Electronica. I also enjoy world music, such as Irish Folk, and native country music (Australian Didgeridoo comes to mind). I love Classical (Satie, Vivaldi come to mind), and I love meditation music.
  3. Hi Drew. Star-struck?! I'll give you pathetic, and yes, I am a loser occasionally, but I am not gullible, or star-struck. Thanks.
  4. I'm going to go with Method 1. It's been a few years since I took statistics.
  5. I joked about that with her. I told her that if she's going to off me, do it the quickest and least painful way possible.
  6. How far are you in law school. A buddy of mine is in his first semester, and I can't believe the amount of reading that is required.
  7. Thanks, ass! Seriously, Jim is going to help me with everything. Thanks for your advice.
  8. After all this, are you really an insurance salesman?
  9. She's a college Professor. We're planning on kids in a few years. You think it would be best to wait?
  10. Since I'm getting married soon, I guess it's a good idea for me to get life insurance. Anyone know of any good company to go through? I keep getting offers through HSBC. For 30 year, 250k, it's like $45 a month. Is that good? Thanks.
  11. How are the choices where everyone else lives? Where I live the selection sucks.
  12. This would totally help the community. Afterall, Rome wasn't built in a day. Good luck to everyone in the area. It's funny, where I live, I wish builders would stop building.
  13. "Cool off?" You really get that pissed over this?
  14. This is probably the most intelligent post I've ever seen over here. Which means Col Fitts (Darin) will delete it.
  15. I thought you weren't posting in this thread anymore?
  16. Bagpipes by far were the hardest thing to learn. The coordination of it was the hardest part. The Didge' isn't too bad, it just requires plenty of air (insert joke).
  17. Nope. Can you prove it? Of course you can't, you Alaskan dimwit. On a related note, I was watching American Beauty last night. Darin, you should sue, considering they stole your character (Col. Frank Fitts).
  18. I can play this too. Darin, you're wrong as usual.
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