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Everything posted by IBTG81

  1. He's a born again. That's the only thing worse than a liberal.
  2. And this thread still goes on... So, what has this proven? That HA knows his stats? ::ducks for cover::
  3. Allen up by 27k with 90% in.
  4. CNN was reporting a different number than your website, when both were at 84%. How the hell can that be?
  5. I'm glad Lieberman is the projected winner. The Dems really gave him the shaft.
  6. http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2006//pages/re...county.000.html
  7. Allen is now up 14k with 75% in. Come on Allen! Hold on!
  8. I voted Republican down the line. Too bad I live in a state where the Dems could nominated Hitler, and he'd win just because there was a D next to his name. I also voted "no" to all of the questions, which would "Robin Hood" the taxes.
  9. I read that she is planning a comeback. My Britney...
  10. Did you also vote for the candidate who allows people to shoot one another in the head? Gay marriages-Why would you deny people the same rights you have? Seems a bit...Nah.
  11. Hoo-rah! My goal in life is to now have Rachel and Britney in a threesome!
  12. Haha, did you really?
  13. Isn't that like winning a medal in the Special Olympics?
  14. I was giving him the benefit of the doubt!
  15. Please don't tell me you talk about TBD at work.
  16. It's going to be insane at the game this week. Schiano is a genius. An absolute genius. 5 years ago, Rutgers was thinking about downgrading to 1-AA status, then he came along. At this point, he could run for Governor in two years and win easily in this state. I don't know if the Cards (I just realized that Cards may smash my dreams twice this season-the UL/RU game and my poor Mets) are going to have a letdown. Brohm already stated that this game is the biggest in the history of Louisville.
  17. Unless there is a monsoon, or an act from a higher being, yes, OSU would probably annihilate RU.
  18. As long as he shaves his chest first. And puts on a blond wig. Maybe then I'll cuddle.
  19. How in the hell did this evolve to 13 pages? HA must be a troll, and you guys are feeding into it.
  20. You think I would hit on Captain Dimwit? I go for the cuddling. Darin is a handcuff and caddle prod type of guy.
  21. And yet, you keep fighting him on this. Who is having the last laugh?
  22. Well, I do agree with you in saying Darin is an idiot.
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