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Everything posted by IBTG81

  1. Haha, no attention. I just think the dude is on the ledge. I'm trying to push!
  2. In honor of ICE, this will be the official "I need attention thread". Does your dog ignore you? Wife make ya sleep on the couch? Tired of eating Cheetos in your underwear while watching Jerry Springer? Then come post here. BTW, mods, can we change the word attention to ICE?
  3. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  4. And it doesn't involve me!
  5. I'm calling you on it. Name some names.
  6. No, Chicot is a jew-hating Muslim. I give him no cred. Anyone that defends the terrorists like he does... :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  7. Who of "significance" has left? Oh yeah, no one.
  8. I've seen the light!
  9. They never got back to me...
  10. Basically, if it has a vagina, it is a stevestojantty driver.
  11. That's DC Tom's favorite movie too...
  12. B.A. in Psychology from Rutgers University in 2004. Working in the field, but who knows for how long. I'm either going to switch fields completely or go on to graduate school.
  13. I'll bite my tongue.
  14. I was thinking the same thing.
  15. Oh man, that sucks dude. Good luck!
  16. Ask for a shot of Novocaine. The shot hurts a tad, but you'll feel great afterwards.
  17. You know, that's how rumors do get started...
  18. I had one. Didn't hurt at all, and only felt *slightly* uncomfortable for a few hours. It's no big deal.
  19. Lots of colon talk this week...
  20. You're right Debbie. Why don't we be like Canada, where everyone has health insurance. Just raise my tax rate to 50%. Are you f'ing kidding me?
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