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Everything posted by IBTG81

  1. Sorry to hear that dude. No mother f'er better gloat...
  2. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  3. Yup! The greatest band in the history of music. You should actually LISTEN to their lyrics. Absolutely brilliant.
  4. Yeah, well, I agree with you there...
  5. Don't forget about Cheetos and watching Springer re-runs.
  6. How could you even tell what their plan is? They either flip-flop, or don't discuss details. It's going ot be scary if Kerry/Edwards win. VERY SCARY.
  7. Faith No More Seriously... The f'ing Eagles? They are horrible. MetalliKorn sucks, Skynard blows...The only good one on the list is Aerosmith.
  8. It's not the water. I have a Brita filter!
  9. I was 9 or 10. I went to see the Bills-Giants game at the Meadowlands (the year of the Bills-Giants SB). I latched on to them right there.
  10. Maybe would should just make the mideast a canal like I have been saying. Seize the oil, and annhilate the mideast. What about the innocents, you say? Too bad, collateral damage. The life of an American is greater than the life of 10,000 Muslim savages.
  11. I'm getting smarter as I get older.
  12. Of course, the left will remain silent on this. Mickey, Tenny, KTFABD, and the other misguided souls won't utter a peep. 4 MORE YEARS! 4 MORE YEARS! 4 MORE YEARS!
  13. Speaking of d sucking, whatever happened to RCow??
  14. http://www.local6.com/politics/3785861/detail.html Gotta love those liberals...
  15. Yeah, I know. I'll carry a squirt gun filled with ammonia.
  16. Me and my GF will be there.
  17. Barenaked Ladies have come out with a X-mas album, and it goes on-sale today. A lot of the classics, and a few new ones. Some (pardon me for butchering the spelling) Hannakuh songs too.
  18. I saw them back in October. Michael Stipe is amazing on-stage. When he dances, it almost appears as if he's floating. And like stevestojan, I'll be buying a copy too, which says a lot. Usually, i st, errr, download it.
  19. The show was amazing, but the security sucked. People kept jumoing on stage, and first Moz thought it was funny, then he got annoyed. He came out for an encore, then left during the middle of the song b/c about 10 people jumped up. The security sucked! To the Tower Theater security... :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
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