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Everything posted by IBTG81

  1. Yeah, OK. Kerry ahead by 16 in PA.
  2. Haha, good call HD. I didn't want to make him feel more like an ass.
  3. I voted at 7:30 AM this morning. Everyone I know is voting for Bush except my gf. My mom even is (everyone who knows that story should be shocked), but they despise LIBERALS.
  4. F that. I'd rather my head be chopped off.
  5. Drudge is now saying that they used a 59-41 woman to man ratio.
  6. I need a hug.
  7. I hate to say this, but it appears as if Bush is going to lose. People don't turn out to vote for the incumbant. I hope and pray I'm wrong...
  8. One of the patients where I work said he was voting for Bush because he though Bush was the owner of Busch beer. i didn't have the heart to tell him...
  9. I agree. Could you just imagine what would happen?
  10. The Grudge was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. It's close between that and Dark City. The movie was HORRIBLE. I'd rather watch 4 hours of the Bills offense.
  11. YOU'RE going to insult someone's intelligence, yet use the incorrect form of YOU'RE??
  12. I expected more from it. I did like how all the Hollywood Elites bit it, though.
  13. OK, the foolproof Ed theory. When you say goodnight, don't kiss/hug her or anything. She will start to think what is wrong, why didn't he kiss me. When you two hang out again, it will make her want to do so even more...Works everytime.
  14. John Kerry?! What do I win?
  15. Bump!
  16. http://media.ebaumsworld.com/index.php?e=floridavoting.wmv Though I'm a Bush supporter, this is great!!!!!!
  17. Doesn't it get boring to make Al-ZaRCOWy your B word?
  18. You forgot about the great Sean Penn.
  19. Ya know what I'm sayin' homeslice? Word diggity diggity dawg. Steve, this dude is a moron.
  20. Take a deep breath there Fezzy. Relax.
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