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Everything posted by bluenews

  1. ......like I'm going to believe anything #89 has to say or post.
  2. I don't miss Eric "Alligator Arms" Moulds at all!!!! She was a cancer in the locker room. I would like to see Martin Nance make a roster this year and sport #80.
  3. What is up with the preseason schedule?
  4. .....according to my source, Marv was asleep and they had to wake him up before making each pick.
  5. .......in the starting line up on opening day!! Relax, it's only the first week of training camp.
  6. "I know, but I bet I'm a better bowler than you!"
  7. I believe your two points are directly related and #2 is a result of #1. As I listened to the NFL Sirrius Bills Camp Report I was amazed they picked up on the Willis MaGahee not being a "Buffalo Guy." I think a WNY caller got the coversation started. It wouldn't suprise me if Scott Bertchold (VP/Communications) scrambled and set up the MaGahee/Holcomb combo to semi-squash that thought process. I can see Holcomb playing along with the skit. Additionally, Pat Kirwin ended the interview by telling Holcomb to go win the job. The JP Losman interview that followed was very akward. A couple of points that I noticed: 1. While they (Kirwan, Levy, Jauron, and Modrak) could name several leaders on the defensive side....they had difficulty naming one on the offensive side. They hope the winning QB will assume that role. 2. Tom Modrak on the John McCargo selection, "I knew we were going to take a lot of heat with the pick, but that's the player they wanted!!!" Modrak qualifed statement by stating this coaching staff has done a better job of developing a scheme that fits the players. Unlike the previous staff that was forcing a scheme onto players. 3. Lastly, the common theme from the Bills ---Donte Whitner need to get into camp ASAP. They have big plans for him this year. Jauron noted that with Whitner, they wouldn't need a nickel back as to his excellent coverage ability on either WR or TE. He also said if a team went with 4 or five wide, they could match and feel very comfortable with any match up.
  8. One of the best reports I've read thus year! Thanks for providing good information, especially the height difference or lack of between Fletcher and Crowell. I thought it was just me.......
  9. I believe you are not giving our WR corp enough credit. Lee Evans was ready to take over last year. When given the opportunity last year....he stepped up!!!Eric "Baby" Moulds wouldn't allow that to happen. He couldn't accept the #2 role and attempted to undermine the prior "coaching" staff and "so-called" management as a result. I've never been a big Moulds fan and felt he has held the entire group hostage for his own benefit. I'm glad he is gone and hope he enjoys catching David Carr's passes. I'm also very impressed with the current coaching staff and the "teaching" they are doing. Each unit need to learn their new role and responsibility to the unit. I expect at least 8 wins and a late season playoff push.
  10. that could be the straw that breaks the camel back
  11. Who is Kepp? Did the Bills sign another FB?
  12. It all goes back to Ralph and his little market. If he falls in line with the other owners and their draft picks (guaranteed money) then he comes down off his position of the CBA. This isn't really about the #8 pick.
  13. "W" may have attended those prestigious schools of higher education. I believe he earned an advanced degree in Vacation Management.
  14. I also hate the Safari look......reminds me of The Flying Nun Thanks for the points!!!
  15. Bushed With all that is happening in the world and at the gas station around the corner from my house, President Bush has time to visit with the Miami Dolphins. Maybe Marv Levy and Dick Jauron should invite Bush to Bills camp. I'd like to see (and hear) Bush and his Ivy League education try to match wits with our GM and Head Coach.
  16. Thanks for the note.......I have Sirius and rarely listen to Jenna Rome. I can't believe he still has a show. Sorry clones and jungle fans.....LOSERS!!!!
  17. I believe the altercation was Tom Bresnahan and "the Coach." The end product was we had several years of "the Coach" spewing anti-Marv propaganda on WGR55.
  18. Would we have a four QB rotation with each receiving equal snaps in practice?
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