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Posts posted by paupmvp1995

  1. Byrd will get some big offers from good teams too, if he gets that far into free agency. He will get the bucks no matter, so he might want to bolt for an organization that has a chance to win before he retires. Can you blame him?

    Why would Byrd want to stay if we keep the same QB, HC and GM? For god sakes, the team has won all of 15 games the past three seasons. And has not come close to sniffing the playoffs. I am sure Stevie J is kicking himself bigtime after resigning. You can see the anguish in his face and body language everytime one of Fitz's passes to him go sailing out of bounds behind and over his head. But back to Byrd, I am sure he will wait to see who our coach will be after this season, and what direction the team is taking. If he likes what he sees, and the new regime likes him, than I am sure a deal will be worked out. I think the same holds true for Levitre as well. With this HC and QB, we are not on the brink of glory. The players all know this. Everyone wants to win. Whether you are playing pee wee football or the NFL. A lot of money is great, but winning trumps all.

  2. Don't fret. Nix is going to take a qb in either the first or second round. How do I know? It's about marketing. The fanbase is at the end of the line with this backwater franchise. If a fresh qb face is not added to the roster the vacancy level will go up at that archaic stadium the team plays in. Brandon will have a say as to what position to address in one of the priority rounds. It's called business!!!!!!

    This franchise is floundering. Everyone associated with the franchise knows that. And that includes Brandon and Nix..Sure we have better talent on both lines than when Buddy took over, and that is a start. But for every improvement in personnel that we have made, it is nullified by having a very weak starting QB. And a head coach who is horrible in game management and personnel decisions. That is why we are no better record wise than we were under the previous three head coaches. Going w Fitzpatrick as our starter was a terrible personnel decision by Nix and Gailey. We are also very weak at LB, very young at CB, and need another bit downfield receiver. So in all actuality, we have been spinning our wheels for the past three years under Nix and Gailey.. Sure there are times when the team looks competitive. But in crunch time against any mediocre to good team, we always falter. And that means we are a BAD team..And unless something miraculously changes in the next three games, we will finish 6-10 at best, and part ways with the dying carcass that is Chan Gailey and quite possibly Buddy Nix. Brandon is not a fool. He knows that NOONE will buy seats without a new coach and a new QB. The best thing going for the Bills is their fans. And we can not be alienated any further than where we are right now. Change HAS to happen. The players all know this. We did not get any bad breaks to be 5-8. We got GOOD breaks with such a weak schedule to be 5-8. I think EVERYONE associated with the Buffalo Bills knows this is a HORRIBLE football team right now.

  3. At least someone remembers our O-line is in tatters. Not that a good O-line is needed in the NFL. Good coaching and QB play can "adjust" for the lack of blocking by sprouting wings and flying over defenders.



    the O line was definitely not a strength last week against the Rams. But Fitzie showed absolutely no escapability whatsoever whenever he was rushed. He just put his head down and fell forward into the pile. But the play that really killed us was in the last minute, 2nd and 10 at our own 42. The Rams overloaded the rt side with an LB and a safety near the line of scrimmage. It was obvious they were going to Blitz from that formation. Fitz was absolutely oblivious to it, by not audibilizing his protection to that side, and/or rolling out to his left to give himself more time to find a receiver. And he ended up getting creamed immediately. Everyone says Fitz is smart because he went to Harvard. And that is probably true. But his football acumen as a starting NFL quarterback is marginal at best. He runs our offense very robotically, very rarely changing plays to gain an advantage on the defense. ie, running a dive play with 9 men in the box, oh so many times. Watching his leadership, intangibles, etc, (mental stuff) vs. Tom Brady, not even talking the physical difference, (which is obviously staggering) is like watching HS football vs. NFL football.

  4. Seriously, do any of you so called know it all Bills fan ever want to win? It has been so long since we had a real head coach, that you all have no idea what a real coach is..Nick Saban is the BEST college football coach in the country right now. He has dominated in the SEC for almost a decade. Do any of you watch the SEC on a regular basis? Well living here in the Deep South we get to watch every SEC game, every week. The guy knows his football. He RUNS the ENTIRE SHOW!! His teams are prepared EVERY SINGLE WEEK!! Not like our coach who does not even know who his defensive players are. If we can get Nick Saban to come to Buffalo, lets make him the HC and GM. And Doug Whaley can help him out with errands. And if Saban won't come, than go hard after Jim Tressel (even if his sweater vests make me want to puke) This team needs an IDENTITY..With Gailey we are looked upon as a second rate organization of bumbling fools. He has won one big game in three seasons. That is pathetic. With Saban running the show, we might even have a fighting chance..The guy HATES losing as much as Belichik does. You have to love that!!

  5. Can't agree more. This pathetic staff had better not all of a sudden find a way to WIN the last three MEANINGLESS games, when they know darn well we have guys who need to be evaluated in real games, and they know we need as good a draft position as possible. It's what a good coach would do.

    Don't worry Keister, as long as Gailey is coaching, and Fitz is playing QB, we are NOT going to win our last 3 games. I would be surprised if we scored more than one offensive TD in any one of those games. The Seahawks, Dolphins and Jets all play tough defense. And our O is not fooling anyone.

  6. I think its pretty simple. If we win the last 3 or go 2-1, I think there is no question that Chan comes back. If we go 1-2 or lose the last 3, I think Chan will be fired. I think its pretty clear that Buddy doesn't WANT to fire Gailey. But if the team really crumbles in the end of the season here, Buddy will HAVE to fire him. I think Gailey is dangerously close to losing the team here. There are some serious questions about how he is running the team that have to be being discussed within the locker room. Also, I think the Gailey/Nix connection is alot looser than most people think. These guys have no prior connection and it is well known that Gailey was not Nix's top choice for the job.


    Secondly, yes, Mike Shanahan turned them down. As did Jim Harbaugh. And Russ Grimm and Brian Schottenheimer did decline the interview. I cannot speak to the Grimm situation but Harbaugh wanted to stay on the West Coast and Schotty was coming off two straight trips to AFC championship game. I believe that Shanahan was concerned about there not being a strong personnel man here (can't blame him). Both Leslie Frazier and Perry Fewell did interview. Leslie Frazier was a very sought after HC candidate and Fewell is an up and coming assistant who will be getting plenty of interviews this offseason and will probably get a HC job at some point. Brian Billick openly campaigned for the job as well. To say that no one wanted the job is a bit of a stretch.


    We could have (and should have) hired Frazier. This was a year before he took the Vikings job. He was the clear front runner to be the head coach but the rumor was that Ralph wanted an offensive mind after the big guys like Cowher and Shanahan turned him down.


    To say no one wants the job is a bit of a stretch. No one wanted the job 3 years ago because the front office was in such disarray it was astonishing. Russ Brandon was the GM the previous year. They were talking to coaches before hiring a GM. It was a mess. Believe it or not there is alot more stability now. The ownership/impending relocation is an issue, but not one that would preclude a prospective HC candidate from accepting the job. There were many more factors involved than that.

    Very good followup to what I posted yesterday. The game against Seattle in Toronto this Sunday is HUGE for the team's psyche. I am sure that the players know that Gailey is in way over his head..This is going to be a tough game because the Hawks are on a roll, and their Defense is tough. This game is going to be a precursor to most of the games we will be playing next season, when the schedule will be much more difficult. I am curious how Gailey intends to attack the Seahawks defense. We will have to run Spiller a lot, but if I am Seattle, I put 8 in the box and make Fitzie beat them. The short passing game will probably be stuffed, and if the D does not play lights out, we could easily lose by 30 with a final of something like 37-7. But I agree a 1-2 or 0-3 finish and a coaching change will be happening. As for a new coach, there will be plenty of options, as there are every year. It is just a matter of finding the right guy. x's and o's are obviously important. But can we please get someone with passion to motivate these players? The Rams last drive, there was nothing from our defense. We played like scared little girls out there. The difference between how the Bills secondary plays vs. how the Pats secondary played last nite against the Texans says everything about how little moxie Gailey is bringing to the players.
  7. Agreed. I wonder if there is any chance at all the Ralph makes Buddy fire Chan.

    And Buddy stays.


    I wouldn't mind that. Any chance? Shoot. How long can Ralph wait??

    Chan is 15-30 as head coach, looking down the barrel of 15-33. (Does anyone on this board sincerely think we will beat the Seahawks, Dolphins or Jets?) What on earth could justify Buddy or anyone else in the Bills organization keeping Chan for another season? He is horrible..Everyone in management, and the players all know it.. He is a dead man walking, and he knows it. Noone gets less out of their team than Chan..With a tougher schedule, we would be a 2-11 team. The Chiefs and Jags were gimmes. No way we beat Cleveland now. And we got very lucky to beat Arizona. We also would have lost to the Fish, but for Tannehill being green. But that will change when we play them in two weeks. While the D was horrible early on, it has stabilized to being decent. But the offense is really atrocious with Fitz at QB, and Chan calling the plays and keeping Spiller on the bench.. The deep throws from Fitz to Graham were as bad attempts as you will ever see in the NFL. Graham was nowhere near catching either of those passes. Absolutely ridiculous. In fact, I think the Bills will be lucky to score more than two offensive TD's in their last three games total..Chan is GONE!!

  8. Right, because Chan technically has another year on his contract, and because the Bills cannot upgrade the position thanks to Ralph. But if there was a better option available and willing to come here, I'd bet Buddy talks to them. That being said, the better options aint comin. They already denied interviews 3 years ago, and the owner situation has only gotten worse.


    There will be NO coaching changes/upgrades until Ralph is gone and the franchise situation stabilizes. It's a fact that us fans just have to live with.

    That is such a short sited simplistic view. If the Bills lose there last 3 in dreadful fashion, which is pretty likely. (no way we are moving the ball on the Seahawks, Dolphins or Jets) What else can Ralph do? He HAS to get rid of Chan. I think Brandon and the other cronies in the front office will demand it. Believe it or not, this is still a business, that is geared towards making a profit. Noone will be buying tickets for a team coming off of a run of 4-12, 6-10 and 5-11 seasons. It just isn't happening. Sure Ralph is out of it at his age. But he does have advisors. And I strongly think they will force Buddy to fire Chan. (but I think Buddy will fire Chan on his own if the team completely tanks) And I also think there would be a strong possibility that Buddy will "retire" as well. There is no way Chan is back, unless the team completely turns it around in the next three games. (And that isn't happening, because we have one of the easiest offenses to defend in the league) At best we will score two TD's in any of our last 3 games.

  9. I’m surprised none of you have brought up the fact that Chan should have gone for 2 after our TD to try and make it 14-7. That one baffled me. I really thought that Chan would have learned from losing by 1 to the Titans after electing to not go for 2. Ticked me off even more that we then don’t even get the 1. For a coach who calls an aggressive game plan with all the passing, he sure wusses out when it comes to putting points on the board.

    I totally agree w you on that one. Going for 2 was the thing to do there. Changes the whole complexion of the 4th qtr. The Bills knew if they gave up a TD late, they were done. I think their DB's play tight knowing there is no margin for error. If they are up by 7, instead of 5 or 6, they know a TD does not beat you. And I think they play a little looser, and take more chances to make plays. Because Gilmore and Brooks looked absolutely out of their league trying to cover the Rams receivers on the last drive. Amazing that we are left with two rookies as our starting DB's in week 14 with a journeyman, who many did not even want on the team anymore as our nickelback (Mckelvin) and a scrub 7th round pick as our dime back. (Rogers) Yea, Buddy has really upgraded the roster. Certainly not in the defensive backfield. But getting back to your original point, we should have definitely gone for 2 after the TD pass. But Gailey ALWAYS makes the wrong move!!

  10. I have no idea. I just hope they get someone in there that has a different one than the Hee Haw act we've been through the last 3 years.

    I totally agree. There is no gameday coach who is worse than Gailey.. Clock management, use of players, play calling, strategy, decision making, understanding the flow of the game. He is an absolute idiot. He has instilled a sense of fear in his players, by his constant conservative decision making every single week. He does not put his players in the best position to win. He puts us in a position to lose every week. Not going for two at 12-7 was stupid as well. No reason not to go for the two in that spot. A confident coach goes for it there.


    No team in the league but the Bills gives up that last drive at home. On the road in the elements, Sam Bradford beats no other team but us. There was not one adjustment made by Wannstadt in scheme on the last drive of the Rams. All we needed was a couple of blitzes. We drop seven, and our DB's play so confused and scared.. They had absolutely no clue how to make a play. This team is a wreck, made this way by incredibly bad coaching staff. We have to make a change. This team will NOT get better with Chan Gailey as head coach. He is NOT an NFL coach!!!

  11. The Bills have looked adequate against awful teams. The defense couldn't get off the field when it mattered against the Rams today. They are not "very close to being shutdown." This schedule is the easiest one the Bills have had in years or will have in the near future and they completely blew it.

    I love when someone on this board really understands what is going on..I was thinking the same thing about the schedule. It was as easy as you can get in the NFL. And we are a lousy 5-8 team. Our wins have come against the dregs of the league. Any decent, not anywhere near great team would have beaten Tennessee and St Louis at home, as well as Indy and probably Houston on the road. Those teams brought nothing special against us, incuding Houston. (they were very beatable that day) With good coaching and NFL quarterbacking, we are easily 9-4. This coaching staff has got the least possible production out of this team. Next years schedule will be much more difficult playing the NFC South and AFC North. Gailey is NOT the coach to lead us into that schedule. We could win 3 or 4 game TOPS with him and Fitzie as Coach and QB next year. If Buddy, won't make the changes needed, he needs to go as well. Today's loss was a complete joke losing to the Rams. Absolutely disgusting.


    And for anyone still saying how Fitzie is not the problem. Give me a break.. He is a huge part of the problem. He plays scared. Whenever the rush comes near him, he stops trying to make a play and falls into the pile, instead of trying to escape. But most of all, he is just not good enough to win games in the NFL. A lot of you might not like this, but JP Losman gave us much better chance of winning. There is just no upside to Fitzie. He can not play a complete game at QB. He needs to sit and let ANYONE else start.

  12. Glenn, Wilson, Stevie Johnson and Nelson (7th rounder and UDFA), Fred Jackson, Bryd (college cb). But let's always focus on the negatives.

    The bottom line is this. We are 5-7 and do not have a realistic chance of making the playoffs for a 13th straight season. We have not beaten a good team or a team with a winning record this season. Our current coach has a record of 15-29 in almost three seasons of work. Our current QB has never beaten a team on the road that has finished the season with a winning record. After 3 years into the rebuilding mode, we are woeful at LB and not much better at corner. (Sure Gilmore and Brooks may be players, but Rogers and A Williams are horrible, and Wilson needs to be replaced. We need to resign Byrd, and if this organization is savvy, they will resign McKelvin as well) And of course we have to address the QB situation. And we could still use a big wideout that can run-maybe Easley is that guy. Three years into a rebuild, we should not have this many holes throughout the team. Yea we have some good players. But so does EVERY team in the NFL. (The Jags have Cecil Shorts) It is not an individual game. It is a team game. And we have not been able to put together a competitive TEAM!! I think a great measuring stick for where this team stands is how we play against St Louis and Seattle. We play two hard competitive games against two teams that are not great, but are playing good football right now, and match them toe to toe throughout, and come away with two hard fought victories, than I say we are making progress. We get whipped by both, than EVERYONE needs to go..(Buddy, Chan, and his coaches, Fitzie) It is all about the w's. Not the feel good stories. You want feel good stories, go read children's books!!

  13. Easley is big. Really big. The problem with that is that Gailey and Fitz are so focused on the quick short yardage routes that they have overlooked what a big receiver can bring to the table. All of the other WRs are good at getting separation quickly. Easley is fast but he isn't quick, so he sits on the bench. The coaches in my opinion are horrible at evaluating talent. If a lumbering Scott Chandler can be a good target then so can Easley. They really need to give him some seam routes up the middle and some opportunities in the red zone. The coaches need to give him an opportunity to use his size to his advantage instead of turning their noses up in the air because he doesn't get good separation with 2 seconds.


    You use a player's strengths. Something I have not seen a Buffalo coach do properly since Wade Phillips. Shoot, look how long it is taking Gailey to realize that this is a mostly running team and not a 4500yd per season pass happy team.

    Great analysis of Easley's game, and one of the big problems with our coaching staff. I love the idea of Chandler and Easley running 15 yard patterns in the middle areas of the field. This is an area of our passing game which is ridiculously lacking-and one of the biggest reasons for our lack of success in the passing game on a consistent basis.
  14. Wow, I find all this playoff talk incredibly amusing. We have two VERY difficult games coming up against St. Louis and Seattle. I would be absolutely ecstatic if we can put together TWO very strong performances against two teams playing very good football right now. We beat the Rams and Seahawks on successive weekends, and THAT will finally be progress for this team. We are NOT a playoff team, because we have NO downfield passing game. I think the lack of any real passing game will be thoroughly exposed these next two weeks because St Louis and Seattle will load up bigtime to stop the run. We will have to try and run, but to win either game, we will have to be able to throw some. And that will be difficult to accomplish...However, I would hope that our defense will continue to improve, and hopefully at least put us in a position to have a chance to win both of these games. So lets be realistic and hope we can start to walk before thinking we are running marathons. Go Bills.

  15. Couple that with reports suh and company were mocking and laughing at a concussed colt player down on the field.... Is anyone surprised they are unable to win despite talent?

    I can't wait for an O lineman to end Suh's career real SUHN with a low block to his knee. And than spit in his face while he is writhing in pain. Just cave that MF in. Football is a violent physical game. All Suh does is play to injure every single week. He will get his one day in a big way. And he does all his shenanigans because his game really isn't worth a flip. The guy has gone downhill the past two seasons. The rest of their defense is terrible as well. Up by 12 with 3 minutes left against the Colts at home. They caved.. NO effort from their defense whatsoever. Jim Schwartz will get another year. (although tanking at 4-12 may change that) The Lions are the exact opposite of a team like the Patriots. No discipline whatsoever amongst the players. In today's NFL, a strong Head coach is a must.. (My girlfriend is a big Lions fan, so I have seen a lot of their games)

  16. Yeah, But the FANS have to know what the Bills have in Easley! It doesn't matter that the coaches know what they have and see him in practice all week, THE FANS NEED TO KNOW!!!!!!!


    In a game where tehy finally do what the fans have been b*tchin, screaming, and crying for all season (run the ball more), they complain because they didn't put Easley in to run around on the field while they hand the ball off, or they should start throwing just so they can see what they have in a player during garbage time? What more will they learn from garbage time of a game against a 2 win team that they can't find out in practice or didn't see during preseason?

    I seriously hate your posts. Have since I first got on this message board years ago. You never make any logical sense. We have a 4th round pick with a good amount of size at Wide Receiver who was supposed to have a large amount of potential when he was drafted three seasons ago. Now after two missed seasons due to injury and a heart ailment, and languishing this year on the practice squad, he finally gets activated for his first regular season game. He makes a big kickoff return, and looks to be athletic and physical. He plays a position that we are seriously lacking any size and big play options at besides maybe Stevie Johnson, who by the way left the game with an injury. (If you were unaware) And our #2 receiver does not dress for the game. (Again if you were unaware) So yes it is quite curious as to why we would not put a potentially talented player with a large degree of upside into his first regular season action, at a marginally talented position on our team, and instead play a marginal veteran with no upside and bad hands, whose only reason he is on the team is for his special teams ability as a gunner. Marcus Easley could very well be the next Vincent Jackson. How will anybody know how good he can be unless he gets his opportunity when the bullets are live, instead of in practice against our very weak DB's? I can not give any deference to our head coach's ability to judge talent with his less than stellar 15-29 record. The more reps Easley gets in a game, the better chance he will have at succeeding..Even someone as crusty as yourself should be able to understand that.

  17. I remember him. There were many average Bills on the 90's teams that'd be starting today.

    He had the big interception on Dan Marino in I believe 1995 that sealed a late season victory that clinched the division for us. I believe it was christmas Eve in fact, and me and my ex wife were doing shots at the sports bar in Atlanta to celebrate (dirty Al's-a great place to watch all the games before the Sunday Ticket was big.) where we used to watch all the games. David White was more athletic than any LB we have on the roster right now.
  18. The weather forecast on Weather.com (I do not live in Western New York) says it will be 50 with 21 mph winds and a 60% chance of rain. I see a whole lot of Fitzie throws nose diving into the turf, or flying out of bounds. Have you all seen that he has absolutely NO IDEA how to throw the back shoulder out pattern to Stevie or any other of our receivers? The ball always ends up out of bounds 5 yards behind the receiver. If we run the ball 40 times, given the weather conditions, we should win fairly easily. But given what our coach is capable of, that will most likely not happen, and it will be dogfight of a game with everyone probably in shock as the 4th qtr winds down and Chad Henne, Mike Malarkey and the 2-9 Jaguars beat our beloved Bills. There was no life in the team in Indy. Why would there be any life in the team another game further from the playoffs with a coach that the players know will not give them a gameplan they can win with, and make boneheaded decisions throughout the game? I personally will feel humiliated losing to Jacksonville. But I will be smiling inside knowing that Gailey will most definitely be fired at the end of the season if he coaches another game anywhere close to the level of last weeks debacle in Indy. Have a good weekend to all.

  19. Correct sir. I've had seasons for 7 years. 7 damn years through some of the worst football in our history and yet I continue to purchase them every year. This year I purchased an extra ticket so that I can invite a friend every week and I'm now having a hard time trying to give away the tickets for these games. I get so sick on game day that I wanna throw up in my seat. I know on game day I will watch Chan make the wrong calls at the wrong times. I will watch old overpaid players that have no right to be on the field. I will watch pass interference after pass interference when we have the opposing team in a 3rd and long. Ill see Brad Smith on a 3rd and 2. Ill see Futz throw deep in a 3rd and 1. Ill watch a 3rd and short turn into a 4th and short as we take the field in the shotgun with no RBs in the backfield. Ill watch 3rd and 15s with a RB draw. Ill get disgusted when I see a 3rd and 8 and Fitz throws it 2 yards past the LOS to a heavily covered receiver. Ill watch Chan pull CJ in the red zone. Ill definitely see Chan send out the punting unit when were in FG range. And I'm almost always sure ill watch a loss. After spending over $150 a game in tickets. $50-100 (depending on size of tailgate party) on food and supplies. After wasting 50+ Sundays in 7 years. Sure, some games are wins and that's great. Sure I always have fun at the tailgate. But this is getting ridiculous.

    I feel your pain brother!! I do not live in Buffalo (have not in many years) but I watch every single game like it is the Super Bowl. I have not missed a game since the meaningless season finale in1994 against the Colts when we were out of playoff contention for the first time since 1987. (went to a meaningless Falcons-Cardianls game that day) I went to the Music City Miracle, the Bills-Dolphins Flutie fumble playoff game in Miami in 1998. I went to the1st and 3rd Super Bowls. I live for the Bills every single game, every single year. And at this point I am hurting bigtime!! Change needs to happen immediately. This is the worst coached team in the league w the worst starting QB this side of Arizona. We have beaten a garbage KC team, and a Cleveland team that was playing lousy at the time. We got a gift in Arizona, and another against Miami because Tannehill missed a few throws. Our head coach is keeping us from winning games. We really should be 2-9. And Cleveland and KC would probably beat us right now. Our QB does not have the physical tools to win in the NFL. Yet our head coach runs an offense that revolves around our QB having to win games for us. It makes no sense, and combined w his poor game management, and inability to make in game adjustments, leaves us unable to compete and never able to dominate every single week. Gailey needs to be FIRED NOW! What say you Buddy about your third rate coach?
  20. No heads should roll, this team has tons of talent thanks to a pretty decent front office, but I do think Chan Gailey should hand the playcalling off to someone else. I personally am tired of the firesale every 3 years. The defense looked pretty solid against a good QB, and a little time in the scheme with Wanstedt will reap rewards. Chan however has lost me on his play calling, and while Fitzpatrick is a great locker room leader, he is clearly not the answer. It's time to draft a franchise QB. With just improved QB play, this team is easily 7-4 at this point, or even better. firing everyone seems kinda counter-productive when you think of the team in these terms.

    Are you serious? This team is the WORST coached team in the league, both offensively and defensively..What scheme are you talking about on defense? We do NOT have a scheme. We rush 4 Dlineman and drop seven guys into a cover two coverage type scheme with loads of room in front of the safeties on every play. We may have blitzed two times the entire game yesterday! We allow our weakest DB (Rogers) to cover the Colts best receiver (future hall of famer) for most of the game. Absolutely NOTHING is done to confuse the opposing teams QB. On offense we continue to go five wide with one of the worst starting QB's in the league, despite having two of the best RB's in the league, and a very solid roadgrading type of O line. We come out flat almost every week, and NEVER impose our will on the opposition.. We are a mentally and physically weak team that plays cautious and conservative. I believe the players know we have very little chance to win most games because of the coaching staff. 4-7 may very well end up 4-12. Jacksonville and St Louis are no pushovers. There D is licking their chops knowing who we have at QB, and that we will pass the majority of the time while keeping the most dynamic RB in the league on the sidelines. We don't have Super Bowl talent. But there is absolutely no reason with the talent that we do have, if used properly, this team should be 7-4. The Titans, Colts and Texans were all ripe to be beaten on the day we played them. Better play calling, and game management, and we win those three easily. And we also should have won in NE with better play calling at the end. So yes our QB play is horrible (and whose fault is that refusing to make a change?) but the Coaching has been absolutely brutal.

  21. What bothers me most is that durung this 13 year tire fire, this arguably is one of the more talented teams. It's at the same time arguably the worst coached. You can't win no matter who the players are when the coaches shoot the team in its collective foot with bad play calling me poor decision making.

    Ur tire fire reference was so appropriate. I actually like a lot of the players on this team. We have decent talent and terrible coaching. And a horrible starting QB. Not kicking the FG at the 34 was maddening. And continuously putting the game on Fitzie shows that Gailey does not know how to win w the players that he and Nix have assembled. bottom line is wins and losses. We are 5-15 in our last 20 games. That is terrible. We are one of the weakest Teams in the league in the way we play and the way we compete. Fitz puts absolutely no fear in the opposition, the same goes with Gailey. Changes will have to be made, and hopefully very soon.
  22. +1.


    Carrington gets a decent push and is a threat to bat away a few passes. For the few reps he gets he is solid. Why he should be replaced at seasons' end is beyond me.

    Are you serious? Teams have GASHED us up the middle all season long, (except for Miami) and we are 31st at stopping the run!! Sure are LB's suck bigtime. But what has Carrington done to warrant continuing to be in the D line rotation? I see no upside to his game, no constant motor like Kyle Williams, no explosiveness.. I just don't see it. I think we certainly can do better with our third DT than Alex Carrington.

  23. Everything in bold is wrong. Pedigree does not equal talent. See Fred Jackson. It does however usually recruit it.


    The rest is a fairly coherent....thought.

    We have enuf talent to beat Seattle. If we are 7-6 at that point in the season (as we should be), I see us coming out and stuffing Marshawn and making life very miserable for Russell Wilson. But we still have to win the next three to get to that point. As for Brooks over Rogers. I liked what I saw out of Brooks playing DB in the preseason as far as his athleticness and instincts. And Rogers has been at least two steps behind his man every time the ball has been thrown his way all season long. (see Buffalo v. Tennessee 4th down game winning TD) You have to admit, Rogers is NOT an NFL caliber DB. If Brooks can not do better than him, than our scouts and Buddy really ought to be ashamed...Just saying.

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