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Everything posted by BillsSouth

  1. Hopefully things will improve in the second half. Because it´s bad now.
  2. Evans fumbled the ball - killer.
  3. We don´t look very sharp today. Has the cold freezed the players and coaches´ brains?
  4. We need at least a first down now. Can´t go three and out again.
  5. Wow - Freddie was drilled in that one...
  6. It´s not very windy - but it is definitely COLD!
  7. Don´t forget he was considered to be an underachiever until this season.
  8. Miami beating NE? Errrr................ I wouldn´t hold my breath.
  9. AHHHHHHH..... hindsight is such a wonderful thing...
  10. Good for us. Kitna´s arm probably won´t be able to cope with the elements.
  11. Would you trust him to kick a similar FG this week, especially if it´s a close game? I don´t.
  12. Sad but true. But we don´t need to be reminded of that. Why do you spend so much time here anyway? Does the Pats board suck?
  13. Keys: 1) Bledsoe must not be allowed to screw us. 2) See no. 1 3) See no. 2 4) Don´t trust Lindell to kick anything longer than 40 yds. I guess that´s it.
  14. I don´t fear Saban. Tell me one success story of a college coach which was able to take a pro team anywhere in the last five years. All I see are failures, like Spurrier, Davis, Erickson, and so on.
  15. That´s my major fear too. If Drew can play a mistake-free game, we win. He doesn´t need to have 300 yards - he just can´t overthrow WRs or have passes intercepted by Cinci.
  16. I guess the question here is, can she teach anything to anyone? The only thing she´s known for is underage drinking. Being a professor myself, it´s not like you can arrive at a classroom and say anything. When you don´t know what you are doing, people notice pretty fast.
  17. I agree. It´s just wishful thinking on my part. The 6th seed will have to go to Indy, and that will be a tough game for us or Balt/Den. I don´t think Indy will lose to any of these three.
  18. I really don´t know if it´s a good thing. Kitna is the vet, while Palmer is still a rookie who throws a lot of INTs.
  19. We won´t beat the Colts in Indy regardless of what happens this Sunday. We are not there yet. My hope is that the 6th seed play San Diego, a team we can beat.
  20. Me too. I don´t like this game one bit. I fear our bubble is going to be blown this weekend. And that´s the last thing I want, since it has been really nice to see this team resurrect from the 0-4 ashes and be in the hunt for a playoff spot... I´ll go on a limb and say that, if we win this game, we will win the other two. SF is the worst team in football, and Pittsburgh here will be a playoff game between the best Ds in football - we win due to home-field advantage.
  21. No. Vincent will play FS only, acoording to himself (and Mularkey). It´s not good for him at this stage to go back and forth.
  22. Think about this: would you rather see the avatars for an hour and nothing else during the rest of the day, or no avatars but all messages during the whole day?
  23. I thought about that for a milisecond. Then I realized nobody would count it anyway after the 20th "$", so I saved myself the trouble...
  24. This is a much better Bengals team than the ones Mularkey has seen in the past. And the game´s on the road. It will be a very tough one.
  25. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Got it?
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