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Posts posted by Section242

  1. Very misleading.


    1) There was a time Brady Quinn was going #1 overall before the draft. How did that go?


    2) Check Bortles' stats vs. EJ's college stats. Now check their combine measurables. Who is better? Also watch Bortles bowl game and see his amazing 3 screen td passes and multiple INTs.


    No NFL scouts are doing the talking. It's guys like Mel Kiper and todd McShay. Their job is to hype things. Qbs help hype. One or maybe more teams are going to take a huge bust in the top 10 with these QBs.


    One or more of the teams will take one of the OT's and they'll be a huge bust same can be said for Mack or Mosley, Watkins or Evans. If you hit on one of those positions it won't matter if you don't have a QB.

  2. Bills War Room Draft Board......Could look something like this..


    NOTE: These are players they want in order of preference in my opinion


    1. DE Clowney .... most likely will be gone


    2. OT Robinson ..... most likely will be gone


    3. WR Watkins ...... most likely will be gone


    4. OT Matthews .....There is a chance he is still on the board


    5. OLB Mack ........ Most likely will be gone


    6. WR Evans........ There is a chance he will be available


    7. OT Lewan ....... There is a chance he will be available


    8. TE Ebron ....... He should be available


    9. MLB..Mosley ... He should be available


    We never know which players will drop.. QBs might be hot for instance giving the Bills a better choice...

    My order of Preference right now ... from what I have seen in free agency is: Draft OT Matthews,

    WR Evans, or OT Lewan.. Bills need to find a Tall WR, and a starting OT in the draft..

    Rule of Thumb is that the Bills will get one of the top 6 picks on this War Room Draft Board....

    A trade could happen if a QB is wanted by another team... I doubt this will happen however.\

    Not this year...Bills would be so lucky if it did however.


    I think Clinton-Dix will sneak his way onto the draft board.

  3. It was Sal on WGR who said it best. And it is the unfortunate reality of today's NFL. We should not want to get rid of a starting RB, especially as good as CJ. But, like he said, he would trade any running back in the league for a first round pick. And he'd listen to any offer for a trade on a RB.


    There is no RB in this league that is not replaceable or not expendable to their team. That is just my opinion, though.


    I think the days of teams paying top dollar for a running back are done. Moreno, MJD, and Tate remain unsigned. McFadden got a 1 yr deal. Guys are expendable. I don't think teams will have to break the bank for running backs. It's easier just to draft a replacement in the mid-rds.

  4. Agreed. Further more, how many times this year did Russell Wilson make some Johnny Football plays by scambling? Hell, he'd run 10 yards backwards and circle around to make a throw. You can argue Wilson is a more complete passer, but I doubt he's hands and feet better than Johnny in the pocket. Wilson benefits mostly from a running game that keeps the defenses from containing him every play.

    Exactly the highlights are Manziel running around and throwing it to Evans. Still that's a small portion of what actually happened last season for him. The one thing I disagree on his being around a ton of talent. Evans is a stud but the 2nd most talented WR they had was Seals-Jones and he was out most of the year.


    One thing that I find interesting is Joeckel was top talent last year at OT, Matthews this year, Ogebehui next year but they get no benefit from system while Manziel does.

  5. We see the plays Manziel makes when running around and that's what sticks in the mind of most fans. He had the highest completion percentage inside the pocket of any QB from an AQ BCS school.


    Manziel can't throw from the pocket just like every offensive lineman plays "nasty." It's just fans convincing themselves a reason not to draft a guy. The Bills don't seem to be in the market for a 1st rd QB in the draft this year, at least. They spent the 16th pick on Manuel last year who I think is an inferior prospect to Manziel.

  6. Clowney would be the only one to trade up for. The problem with any other pick is that they're either 1 - pointless (QB) or 2 - the player could fall to you anyway at #9 (i.e. Mack). None of Bortles, Bridgewater or Manziel are a lock to be anything special and I'm not convinced that any team should ever trade up for an offensive lineman. Just a wasted trade.


    What player is a lock? Glenn Dorsey, Robert Gallery, and Aaron Curry were considered the best players in their draft class.


    Only reason to move up to the top would be a QB. If they moved to 1 I'd take Manziel. If they moved up to 2 I'd take Mike Evans who'll probably be available at 9.

  7. They are gonna go WR again in the top 10, a year after taking Austin in the top 10 and trading up to do so? Is Matt Millen running their draft?


    Their leading WR had 40 catches. No one on the Rams had over 700 yds receiving. Cook was 59th in receiving yards and was tops on the Rams. I'd guess the only team who had a guy lead the team in receiving yards with less than Cook would be the Bills.

  8. The Byrd thing is a different animal , in this age of free agency your not going to be able to every player that you want due to agents trying to get way over the top contracts . I would love to see Byrd stay b/c he is a great player but at what cost ?


    We have a guy that can do OK as a starter & if their is a guy in the draft that shows great potential as a FS then why spend that kind of money, the Patriots let great players go all the time & bring others in to replace them & have done it & been in the post season for the last decade so it can be done !


    Then there is the given if you can get a younger talent in the first round like E. Ebron that you can bring in to be a immediate up grade at the TE position & Chandler is looking for to much money then once again if you can get a guy that has more up side & a longer shelf life that can help the team then you have to do it to stay competitive . Bottom line ...


    Some you ned to keep but as time goes on there may be circumstances that change these situations & a good GM along with his scouts & a front office that believes & backs him in the direction that he is going can do wonders for the team !! But the team only goes as the far as the GM & the coaching staff can take them . Which that ain't saying much for our last 13 years in B/Lo :censored: !!


    The Patriots let guys go past their prime. Once the Bills get a HOF QB they can let guys go and it won't matter much.

  9. O line play isn't as subjective IMO. But you could be right. The spread lessens the burden on pass blocking.


    My point is that college Qbs who play behind great olines & throw to blue chips Wrs are going to be in for a big wake up in the NFL. It's like AJ McCarron. A lot of Qbs would look good facing no pressure throwing to blue chips receivers. We'll see. And CLeveland, as messing as it's been, does have some good pieces for a young qb to be successful.


    Evans is a stud. After that you're looking at Kennedy and Walker who both had good years, not exactly blue-chip prospects.


    For as good as some posters think Evans made Manziel look, you'd think more people would want the Bills to take him.

  10. How in the world is that awful? How many star Oregon offensive players are lighting up the NFL? You're kidding yourself if you don't think a good system can make players look better than they truly are.


    I always been a fan of College Qbs who had little talent to work with. JF has had 2 OTs that are going top 10. He had a 6'5" beast at wr. He had a great wr in Swope last year. He played in a great system. In short, he was in a great situation for a qb to succeed.


    Can't the rationale be used to say that Matthews, Joeckel, and next year Ogbehui benefited from the system? Three players, same position. How many Oregon players were taken that high?

  11. Mike Williams. :(


    DJ Fluker was drafted #11 and I credit him in a big way for getting his team to the playoffs. I think that with the new CBA we might be seeing more of this. Draft picks are just not that expensive any more.


    I'd give credit to Allen, a new offensive line coach, and a new head coach. Joeckel didn't make a difference and Fisher wasn't very good. I don't see any value in taking offensive line early. The game has evolved. T.J. Graham is horrible and played 70% of the snaps. If fans want the Bills to run a ball control offense then they should fire Marrone. They were one of the highest plays per 60 minutes.

  12. That's not what I meant, but sure. Denver vs. Pats, the better team won. I just meant I'd take Rivers, Dalton, Big Ben, Tannehill, Smith, Newton, Wilson, Brees, Foles, Cutler, Rodgers, Kaep, Brady, Manning, Luck, Flacco as our starter next year. No question.


    I'd draft a QB every year til you get one. As for your list i'd take all those QB's and most others over Manuel. Now if the Bills had made the playoffs within the last few years guys like Dalton and Smith aren't good enough. I agree with you. The thing is it seems teams are willing to draft an OT, WR, CB if they take one high the year before and the guy can't play. The 9ers traded Jenkins after a year. Obviously multiple guys play at that position but to me teams are willing to wipe their hands of other positions before QB.

  13. With teams running no huddle and trying to get more plays off I don't get the philosophy. I'm not sure the accuracy but the Bills ran the 3rd most plays for 60 minutes. So drafting a lineman may help them control the clock but thats not the philosophy of the staff http://www.teamranki.../plays-per-game .


    Really? I didn't see many teams that put 8 in the box at all during the playoffs. Actually, not one.


    See cause the QB's in the playoffs all have the possibility of throwing for 350 yards if the defense lets them. EJ, against some of those same defenses, couldn't manage 300 once. Running and great defense may be the way to win a championship but a QB that defenses respect is the way to the playoffs.


    I don't know about any other posters, but I would take every single 8-8(still in the hunt) and playoff QB for next season. Every single one. That's not an indictment on EJ, but it is what it is. Posters that want a top 5 defense with mediocre to bad QB production are at best looking at a 7-9 season. That's if EJ didn't improve. Which he might not.


    And I'm only for drafting a QB if Manziel is there. If not, get some weapons/O-line. But like I said, if EJ doesn't improve and make some defenses fear him, the picks won't really matter.


    In the AFC playoffs I would've taken Rivers over Dalton and Luck over Smith in wildcard round. Manning over Rivers and Brady over Luck. Then Manning over Brady. So at least for the AFC the better QB won at least 5/6 as some would take Brady over Manning.

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