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Posts posted by Section242

  1. No Fred Jackson last year and at best, we go 2-14. EJ orchestrated that drive at the end of the Panthers game, but Freddy executed it. Him dropping that pass on purpose was unreal awareness. Plays like that are why he's worth his weight in gold to the fans. He's been the best player on this team for years, so I don't see how he can be overrated.


    They'd be a 5-11 team or so without Jackson. Same record they'd be without Spiller or Mario.

  2. Mario is outstanding. Some fans here will never see or say anything good about him due to his contract, but for those paying attention the guy is a one-man zone defense for his side of the line.


    It's the way it goes. Spiller will never be good enough for fans. Watkins is next in line and he hasn't played a down yet.

  3. yes he will command a ton. Over $5+ million a year. He's not worth that much.


    I was already proven wrong. I used to think he would be great. He hasn't been. Even his one good year was nothing spectacular. 1,200 yards is hardly mind blowing. I'm the one going out on the ledge here saying he sucks. And hoping to say "I told you so". Apparently the majority of fans, players, coaches, etc all believe he's the 2nd coming of Barry Sanders.


    I'm not arguing about Dareus. But honestly, we probably should give up on him. His contract is coming up soon too. His play on the field makes him worth it, so far his issues and distractions off the field make it questionable.


    Jackson has been injured a lot too. But were not using that as excuses for his play. He's old. He's injured. He's past his prime. He's 2nd string to CJ much of the time. Yet he continues to fight and prove he's better than we all think he is or has left.


    And if you've watched this team the past 2 years and really thought CJ was the better player then I don't know why we're arguing. There's obviously no changing your mind. But Freddy was consistent at running the ball well, picking up first downs, keeping drives alive and giving his all out on the field. CJ has disappointed.


    exactly what I'm thinking. Of he was so great why did he struggle to get on the field in that time?


    Maybe I missed something but not a single RB signed for 5 million a year this offseason. It's just not valued.

  4. im with you here. Except I was one of the people that thought CJ could be the next Priest Holmes. And I use Holmes instead of Barry because IMO nobody has ever played the position as good as Holmes has over that 3 year period.


    But CJ proved me wrong. He proved that he cannot get it done on a regular basis. He proved that he IS always injured. He proved that he is inconsistent. I got tired of making excuses for him just like everyone else that's still on the CJ bandwagon.


    I think at times he can be good. But most of the times he disappoints and is only average. And for a top 10 draft pick and someone that's going to demand a ton of money next season. He's not worth it.


    you couldn't have said it any better.


    Running backs aren't commanding a ton of money. Unless they're AP or McCoy I don't see any RB getting any type of big money. Holmes was good and their was little to no drop off when Johnson took over.


    In general it seems that fans seem to rather be able to say "I told you so, he sucks." Rather than being proven wrong. Taken the sum of his time with the Bills, Dareus has been a disappointment. Coming off last season on the field not taking off the field things into account I don't think fans would wanna give up on him.


    The biggest thing Spiller has going against him is he was taken 9th when the Bills had Lynch and Jackson. He's out performed Jackson the last two seasons. Been healthier than Jackson over his time with the Bills. Jackson is a "warrior," Spiller is "injury prone."

  5. If the basis is Brown has potential than I could buy into that. Just looking at numbers he was bad last year. Aside from one game he's a guy who had 66 carries for 199 yards. He's averaged 4.6 yards for two seasons. His two most impressive games we're followed by two with a combined 28 carries for 40 yards.


    Really his game log makes him look like a "poor mans Spiller."

  6. you say that like I chase people out all the time. Want the list of guys I've wanted gone in recent memory?





    K. Williams

    F Jackson


    Evans I was right about years ago. Never played a down again. Nobody believed me there. I'll tip a cold beer to myself there as the ones that argued with me never gave me my due.


    Kelsey was always overpaid and no where near as good as many hoped he could be.


    Schobel was decent for a period of time but in the end he was the best player for a miserable team. In a good team he barely cracks the top 2 DEs. Oh, and I was right about him being an injury monster too.


    K. Williams. Nothing special IMO. I don't care what people say about the pro bowl voting. He's not a good DT. Our ten defenses have been the worst in history almost every year he's been on the team manning that line. Yet every year we make excuses and he's the only constant.


    F. Jackson. I was right about him originally when people said it was crazy to call an Undrafted player a starter. Then he got old and injury riddled. Much like CJ he hasn't finished a season in the last 4 without getting injured. Because of that I said we should cut bait and walk away. Boy was I wrong. This guy just defies all logic. I want him here until he's in a wheelchair.



    My opinions of CJ are opinions. That's true. But the facts are also there that he's been injired or beaten up every single season of his career to the point that we talk aboutbit being an issue. The facts are that he's only had one good season of over 1,000 yards. The facts are he's never had 10 TDs. The facts are he was a highly touted draft pick that was expected to be the lights out best player on the team and he's not. Say whatever yiu want. I'm done arguing with you about it. Well just let his last season in a Bills uniform be the judge of that. My money is on having another disappointing season of less than 1,000 yards and probably more discussions of him being injured and playing with injury and fans like yiu making more excuses for him. Have fun. See yiu in January.


    I'd say Jackson and Spiller being hurt is more of a product of the position. I don't have the numbers but how many backs stay healthy for 16? Now some fans think Jackson is a warrior with being hurt and missing more time and Spiller is injury prone for missing less time. That I don't get. To me as posted it has to do with draft position. Taking any RB in the top 45 right now is a waste of a pick IMO. Spiller being taken 9th at around the same time the trend started to hit adds to this. Say Spiller and Jackson play 12-14 games and put up above 2k rushing and Brown starts a game and has 120 then it'll be obvious to some Brown should be the guy. Taking Spiller 9th with Lynch and Jackson on the roster will be something that will never be forgiven. Unless he has a 2k year rushing.

  7. It will never work. We've seen it tried before. Unless the NFL backs it, it will fold in a few years. The nfl and NBA already have a development league. They call it the NCAA.


    NHL and baseball have these leagues for a reason.


    I don't think it'll work. Looking back though if guys are able to play in the league before they're eligible for the draft it could be an option. I think of P.J. Hairston in this years NBA draft playing in the D league after being ineligible at UNC. Other situations like when Clarett was at Ohio St or Mike Williams declared early and was deemed ineligible for the draft. Still that's three players I can think of in about 10 years.

  8. i have no idea what that link was for. I'm in my phone so of there's something different than on a desktop I have no idea. But It doesn't make sense to me.


    If you think he can consistently be a 1,700 yard back then I'll ask for how long do you think he can be that? Even in his younger years he's showing he gets banged up every season. What do you thinks gonna happen when he's older and has more tread on the tires? He's not long for this league at his rate of injury.


    Your Jets fan friends think the Bills are a joke??? Hahaha. That says it all right there.


    He's missed three games in his career.

  9. I have always put a chip on my shoulder when I look at Spiller. It's not one to weigh him down, nor is it one against him. It is one against the choices made which put Spiller in a Bills uniform.


    Revisionism and fansightedness change everything.


    Whitner is a very good SS, and this is proven true.

    Lynch, Coy Wire, J.Bell = Problem child, overrated, fodder.

    Levitre, D.Rogers, T.O. = overvalued, undervalued, unwanted.

    Fitzpatrick, SJ13, CJ Spiller = terrible, a #2 or 3, rotational and situational.

    TJ Graham, Goodwin, Tasker = useless, not utilized, underrated.


    When I see that list I look at it simply: T.O., SJ13, Fitz, Graham, Tasker, Bell, and Wire did everything they could to contribute to this team. Lynch, Levitre and Whitner left to find success and should not be ridiculed for it. Graham, Rogers and Bell are players that made the most (or least if you're pessimistic) of their opportunity while here or thus far. Tasker is one of the best Buffalo Bills in the last 25 years.




    If this was to be true then QB would have to be #1. Spiller being the second most valuable player, and I hesitate adding this, would have to be in a rotational type role where he would not be asked to do everything and given the chance to do those things. Those who remember his coming out night game against Miami know how he does under pressure and when he knows he is the guy. Let him always be that guy, let him know he's getting the rock for every run possible. But, have someone like Dixon ready to come in with him and change it up.


    If that doesn't work trade him as fast as can be, which sucks. I do not want to trade him but I do not see him being happy, successful nor able to contribute in a limited basis going forward.


    I think Dixon maybe cut. Spiller is a guy we'll always expect more out of. What's held over Spiller's head by us fans is his draft position. Jackson is a gamer and lays it all out. Except that's he's had issues with being "injury prone." It's not a Jackson or Spiller thing it's use both. A young QB and finding a way to use their two best offensive weapons before we see what Watkins can shouldn't be a problem.


    If Spiller has the same year as last year I think they should still re-sign him. It's not a 1 back league unless you have a generational talent like AP.

  10. Spiller's gone from a bust to unstoppable to injury prone in his time as a Bill. Being drafted when they had Lynch and Jackson is obviously his fault and the Bills should trade him for a 5th rd pick according to some.


    If the Bills are to turn it around I think Spiller is the 2nd most important player on the team. As "bad," as he was I think most teams would take his numbers from last year.

  11. Well, not that it necessarily means he is a great QB, but he is 31-18 as a starting NFL QB. He may not have been the reason the Ttians won that many games with him as a starter (13-3 one year), but that is an indication that he can (or could) start in the NFL, and he is capable of doing enough to, at the very least, not cost his team those games.


    I thought the Bills were foolish to cut him when they did. If rumors are to be believed, the Bills were spooked because somebody came to a Bills practice to "serve him" on some financial issues. He wasn't fantastic, but he wasn't awufl either. He was certainly more capable of a big play than Fitz was...just think he is the kind of guy, when he was still in the game, at the very least, who could come in and bail a team out on a bad day, with his athleticism. He did it time and again with the Titans... made a big game changing play or two, almost every game... I remember him doing it twice to the Bills, pulling out games with his legs, and huge arm, when the Bills were otherwise dominating the Titans.


    There must be something about his personality that keeps him from sticking anywhere...I just don't see how there is no room for him on any NFL roster, particularly when you see some of the junk teams have to drag out when their starter gets hurt. I might not ever want him as a long-term starter...but for a game or two? Sure. Even in his couple of starts for the Eagles, he came out and played lights out his first game....looked great. Came back to earth the next week...


    I think to a lesser extent teams would rather not have the "circus," that comes with him. I agree with the game or two. Bring in a big name backup and the QB struggles and people want him in.

  12. The contract is for future performance based on thos flashes--not really that "crazy" given what we all have seen. And it's likely the market price for this kid--look what's out there. What do you think another team desperate for a QB would pay to have him right now? Look at Flacco's deal. This is what it costs to lock up the guy you want at QB. It's not a buyers market in the NFL. Kaep has been essetially a freebie for the 49ers so far--he's proven valuable and now they have to actually pay for what they have with him.




    Sure Luck will get a ton--but so what? That's how this works. Besides, he's playing for peanuts right now under his rookie contract, so over the course of the two contracts, he will cost far less to the COlts than he would have under the previous CBA.


    Dalton and Tannehill have no place in this discussion. They are notable only for their shortcomings and as disappointments thus far. Both are more likely to be replaced in the draft than signed for anything close to what Kaep got.


    Dalton has disappointed in the playoffs. He's going to get paid. Kaep and him I think are comparable. It's the going rate if you win with a QB he'll get paid. When Alex Smith get's paid I think he'll be the barometer for Dalton.

  13. QB league and 9ers are committing. Andrew Luck will get an insane amount. I'm not a huge Kaepernick fan. Teams don't pay as much on the rookie scale. Miami and Washington will be in for tough decisions if RG3 and Tannehill have similar seasons to last year. Even Cincy, Dalton is a starting caliber QB and better than anything the Bills have had but if you're trying to win a SB is he good enough?

  14. and absurd, only this from bored Bills fans that can't wait for the season to start.


    just about every NFL team is dealing with issues with some players this time of the year.


    lets not forget that the Patriots have a murderer that is on trial.


    ohhh drag racing....lets cut him :doh:


    49ers and Seahawks also have Smith and Lynch both looking at suspensions. Denver lost Von Miller for time. I don't think Dareus is in any danger of being cut. I do think it will make the Bills prioritize Glenn over Dareus next offseason.

  15. The Bills need to make the assumption that Daruis will not be in the lineup for a minimum of 4 games and possibly faces a season long suspension. They need to find a DT who they can rely on this year. His career in the NFL is in serious trouble.


    I'd say 4 games. Lynch is being brought up multiple times but his DUI case puts him in line to be suspended. So I don't believe that's a good comparison.

  16. Oh you mean the guy who got his act together as he got older and was a main ingredient in helping his team win the SB? Yeah great point, let's get rid of Dareus now so he can go on to help another team and lets do it because he likes to smoke weed, drag race and he's late to meetings. Yep, sounds like a young rich kid. Thank God Whaleys in charge and not members of this board.


    He helped the team win. I haven't read any news yet but isn't he expected to be suspended for getting a DUI hours before his football camp?


    If a guy helps a team as long as he's not Aaron Hernandez i'm not cutting him.

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