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Everything posted by Ohiostyle

  1. I just can't help but think Lynn has more to prove as an OC before getting an HC gig. He can earn that here. Keep the Off gang together and see what improvements can be made.
  2. HC Schwartz OC Lynn DC Whoever Schwartz trusts to organize the D during practice, but JS calls plays on gameday.
  3. Let's hope not. This team isn't far off. IMO we need to keep the 'continuity' on O and do what's necessary to improve it, then on D bring in someone who runs schemes similar to Shwartz (read Schwartz as HC) and see what can be done. Put back together the two halves of the team that we've seen work, with this same personnel. Blowing it up (again) can't and won't be fruitful.
  4. Let's apologize to Shwartz, and bring him in as HC who calls the def with some figure-head as DC. Keep Lynn as OC, with TT and I'll guarantee playoffs.
  5. 420 of his roughly 1,200 yards this year against us. Disgusting way to lose. He did it the first time, their qb was hurt, we knew what they were going to do, and couldn't stop it.
  6. I think with official mouthpieces, the only alternatives for TBN are to take the stories that you won't here from them (WGR, BB.com). Even if things were to become wildly successful, I'd expect TBN's content to remain the same. It's their only nitch at this point. They are creating far more content than any of the others.
  7. I live in Cleveland and these people are all like you. "No good... Get the next guy!". This does not work, and leads to epic levels of suckitude. Their failed QB list is 10 times what the Bills is, they are consistently 3 wins fewer than we are. I know the playoffs are the goal, but i do like winning games. The inmates run the asylum here, and in 30 years of watching football, I've never such levels of bad as what is going on in Cleveland. You won't get Trubisky, but I guess you know that, it'll make it easier to keep making the case that you know more than the guys paid to run teams. If he doesn't succeed wherever he ends up, you'll change your avatar, and sing the praises of whoever is next. Rinse, repeat. Must be nice never being accountable for these things, while being hyper-criticle of those who are.
  8. Woah buddy, you don't wanna say that here! You'll start a brawl.
  9. Trubiskys a hell of a talent. He's from the city I work in. I followed his HS career closely. It's the largest public school in the state. Graduates over a 1000 kids/yr. I think it's his destiny to rescue the Browns though.
  10. This is exactly my thoughts
  11. This game seems very winnable, even more so if it was at home. The statistics aren't promising for teams travelling across multiple time zones. That said, I feel like we really matchup well against them.
  12. I've lost two WS in game 7's in extra innings, this along with my Bills fandom is almost too much to take. I'm still shellshocked
  13. Not even a remote possibility
  14. I was in Chester not long ago at the Honeywell facility there. Also do a lot of work at the Rolls Royce plant in Prince George In Ohio not too far from the PA border along the great lake of Erie. 'Bout 140 mi to OP for me
  15. BAD fans! I love the Indians with all my heart, but these idiots trip over themselves to get to clowns games in Dec., but won't bother with a tribe game in mid-May. The Indians are a very functional franchise given the market dynamics of baseball, something that largely doesn't apply to football, and yet the fans only want to talk about the Browns. Even with their epic levels of suckitude. Those seasons coincided with the Browns no longer in Cleveland. Sad but true.
  16. I hate baseball
  17. I've always hated Joe Buck, but it's reached a new level for me this WS. His bias for Chicago and their storylines is undeniable. His unwavering persistence on shoehorning them in regardless of their relevance to what's happened in any given game is laughable. I've never enjoyed any announcer that goes into a phoney broadcast voice whenever the camera/mic is on, Buck does that, and does the entire broadcast in the douchey-est way imaginable. F Joe Buck and his boyfriend Kyle Schwarber.
  18. I can't handle this. People here in Cleveland actually said they'd rather win it at home, or glad we lost in Chicago. No way, just clinch no matter where it is. Losing my mind right now, tribe and bills are the two biggie's for me. A championship from both before I die are my sports goals. Not sure when I'll have a chance again, gotta get this one.
  19. When will people realize... FACT: Win probability changes when you score touchdowns. FACT: Change is ALWAYS bad. I say it's best not to affect change, and not score these TD's.
  20. Sorry I missed this, but yes we eliminated the Sox, and now the Jays. I'm losing my mind thinking the tribe might bring home a WS title.
  21. It's shocking to me how many don't get it.
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