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Everything posted by Ohiostyle

  1. \cracks knuckles
  2. If you're going to get hurt over something pizza isn't a horrible reason. Second only to beautiful women IMO.
  3. I've gotta say there is NO way if I'm GM that I draft famous Jameis. I've been wrong about a lot of things, and maybe on this one but I just couldn't do it. Too many red flags, not to mention he plays on a ridiculously stacked team, and at the college level he's a little bigger/stronger/faster. At the pro level that gap narrows, and the talent around him likely decreases s he'll probably be drafted by a bad team. Don't think he'd have the maturity to handle failure, and there won't be a university around to shield him. Plus all that occurring in the NY spotlight... could get ugly
  4. I'm warming to Schwartz, not that I had any reason to dislike, he just kinda gives you little to like. Pettine was similar, but after he changed things so dramatically last year, it was hard to lose him after only one year. All things being equal, Schwartz defense is statistically much better, and still getting all the sexy sacks and picks.
  5. Francessa is always good for a laugh.
  6. I'm thinking so. Though I've been to Queens and my oh my those clichés are born from reality.
  7. I thought it was determined that Spags was another member here just trolling us (i.e a Bills fan)? Too many trite clichés here to be real.
  8. Dareus has to be resigned, I'd love to have Hughes as well but I think he's more easily replaced. I fear giving Marcel f-you money though. In the end I think you have to pull the trigger.
  9. I won't lie, it has me a little down!
  10. Against SD if I remember correctly
  11. Why? He'll deliver beatings every Sunday. He'll be unafraid to get in confined spaces and deliver blows to the opposition.
  12. I'd love to have him at the right price. Not 15m though. I'd like him a lot more than Orton if the dollars were equal.
  13. Be angry around the house all day. Then either perk up because i did well in my football pickem league, or get worse(r?) if I get like 5/15. Last week I got 12/15 (ATS) so I came around quickly.
  14. Well Fred's earned the benefit of the doubt when it comes to these things. If he stayed to block I have to assume he did it for good reason. In the end it only reason #492 why we lost on Sunday.
  15. Anyone who has access to the all22 care to chime in? Who was the RB, and did he appear to slack on running the route?
  16. #1 run D for sure, but doing that while outpacing last years sack total is a very shocking combo. AND with all that, the D somehow seems less effective. Loss of Byrd, Kiko? Pettine?
  17. Please stop with the Cowher talk. Its obvious he has no desire to coach again for the sake of coaching. I want a guy who's still hungry. I'd like to give Marrone a longer chance, but I think its time for Hackett to go. I don't think Marrone will be down with that.
  18. He'll slide in the draft, probably dramatically. In the long run it'll be good for him. Obviously the advantages he's been handed because of his athleticism have him thinking he's untouchable, this will humble him. If he went early in the first round he'd get paid and keep acting like an idiot. This way to he carrot keeps getting dangled in front of him. At a low enough investment (5th?) I'd love to draft him now, and I had NO interest in him as a #1 pick.
  19. This defense has been Jekyll and Hyde all season. If they could be more consistent especially on third down, and the running game could get going, we'd be all set to win a lot of games. Wishful thinking... I know
  20. Very disappointing, had big hopes for him here, seems like he's done and said all the right things. I get he's frustrated with not getting the ball, but its a long season. The passing game is improving, although the running game tanked, seems worth waiting it out from his standpoint.
  21. There's still a game in chowderland later this year. We'll have to pool together our resources, and send an agent. Volunteers?
  22. This really isn't supposed to happen to the home team... smh
  23. They're extremely rare, I know that. It's how Joe Perry knew the one on the mag cover was his. The actual value, I'm not sure. Perry kept asking to buy it back, and Slash would say I can't yet, Perry eventually resided to the fact that he wouldn't get it back. Then while playing on stage w/ Cheap Trick at his own birthday party, his wife brought it out. Kinda cool.
  24. I just heard a story the other day about how Joe Perry in the early 80's had to sell a '59 Les Paul to pay bills. Many years later Slash turned up with it on the cover of a magazine, after several years of asking to buy it back, Slash gave it back to Joe at one of his birthday parties. Seems odd, now slash is looking for a long lost guitar... huh.
  25. He's considering giving up the Pabst-ing, and focusing solely on the Twinkie-ing huh? I did something similar with my import/export business a few years back. ^This was solely to get me to 200 posts. Very sorry
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